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Step 5 - Detailed new ticket notification

Learn how to send a detailed notification to a Slack channel when there is a new ticket in Zendesk.

Workflow that sends a Slack notification when there is a new ticket

Check out this step to learn the process of data transfer between workflow nodes, which helps in building a more comprehensive context.


How it works

  • When a new Zendesk ticket is created, sends a detailed notification to the selected Slack channel.


  • Zendesk connection
  • Slack connection


  • Ticket created from Zendesk integration


  • Get ticket from Zendesk integration

  • Send message to channel from Slack integration

How to configure this workflow

Continued from Step 4 - New ticket notification

2. Add a new action (Get ticket from Zendesk integration)

  1. Add a new node after the trigger. Select Actions option and then select Zendesk from the opening list.

  2. On the opening panel, you can give a new name to your action.

  3. Select Get ticket action in action selection field.

  4. Select a shared Zendesk connection. In automated workflows, Actioner relies on a designated shared connection to be able to process data automatically.

  5. Navigate to Ticket ID field on ACTION INPUTS section.

  6. Select Dynamic option from the gear icon right next to this field and enter {{}}. This will pass the ticket ID from event payload to your action and return that ticket's details.

3. Update send message to channel Slack action

  1. Navigate to Message blocks of send message to channel Slack action.

  2. To use data from an earlier node, you can use nodes.action1.response reference. Update the Markdown block as below to show the ticket ID and subject in your notification:

Ticket has been created.

Ticket ID: {{}}

Ticket subject: {{nodes.action1.response.body.ticket.subject}}

4. Save your workflow and test it.

  1. Click Apply at top right corner to save your workflow.

  2. To test it, create a new ticket in Zendesk and check your Slack channel for the notification.