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Apps in Actioner

Learn about apps in Actioner.


An app is a collection of workflows, configurations, jobs and data tables that are bundled together. Apps work as containers to hold logically connected workflows and the data to run them, and enables all of its workflows to be run with continuity.

Incident and on-call management with PagerDuty

Apps can consist of tool-specific workflows or they can be setup with workflows that run in multiple tools. Actioner allows you to design sophisticated apps with an unlimited number of workflows that can call each other, exchange data, and even interact with workflows from different integrations.

Imagine an incident management app that runs in Slack and contains workflows that run in PagerDuty, Statuspage, Jira and Slack.

This kind of an app bundles all incident-related workflows together so that they can be executed with continuity. When there is a PagerDuty incident, assignees and responders get notified in Slack through dedicated Slack channels called war rooms. Actioner also invites all stakeholders to this channel.

In the war room, assignees, responders and stakeholders get notified of incident updates and continue to update it through smart buttons and reminder messages. More than that, responder teams can create Statuspage incidents and continue to update it with PagerDuty incident updates.

When the incident is resolved, Actioner sends reminders to create follow-up tasks in Jira and complete post-mortem reports, and enables your team to track and manage the complete lifecycle of an incident, right in Slack.

App directory

There are plenty of tools, tasks, and operations that are common across your organization and other companies. App directory helps you discover and use what Actioner team and Actioner community has built as a collection of ready-made solutions. You can use them as is or customize them through the workflow designer to fit your exact needs.

App directory

Actioner’s app directory contains apps connected with the most popular tools and solutions for sales, help-desk, incident management, pull request management, continuous integration & delivery, task & issue management, celebrations and time-off management use-cases in Slack.

You can install an app in seconds, add up multiple workflows to your stack and start running workflows immediately.

Contact with Actioner team

Together with our community, we keep working on introducing new apps every day. Give us a shout and join our Slack community if you are looking for an app connecting your tools.

Do not forget to visit our blog and guides to get the latest updates about new apps and features.