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Tutorial with an example event

Learn how to design workflows with events through a step-by-step guide.


In a marketing and sales team environment, contacts are created either in HubSpot or in Slack using Actioner workflows. Both workflows publish Contact created event upon successful creation.

Another workflow subscribes to this event and notifies the #leads channel in Slack whenever a new contact is created, regardless of the source.

How it works?

The app contains an Actioner event, "Contact created" and below workflows:

  • Contact created in HubSpot
  • Create contact in Slack
  • Notify #leads channel for new contacts

When a contact is created in HubSpot, Contact created in HubSpot workflow publishes Contact created event.

Similarly, when a contact is created in Slack, Create contact in Slack workflow publishes Contact created event.

The Notify #leads channel for new contacts workflow is initiated with Contact created event, so it will be triggered when both workflows are executed.

Upon receiving an event, this workflow will fire a notification to the #leads channel in Slack, and provide details about the new contact including their email, name, and the source of creation (HubSpot or Slack).


Step 1. "Contact created" Actioner event

  1. Create a new event on Events tab of your app. Name it as "Contact created". You can select the event type as Private.

  2. Enter below in Event schema field:

"properties": {
"email": {
"type": "string",
"format": "email",
"title": "Email",
"description": "The email address of the contact."
"name": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Name",
"description": "The name of the contact."
"source": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Source",
"description": "The creation source of the contact."
"required": ["email", "name", "source"]
  1. Enter below in Example payload field.
"email": "",
"name": "John Doe",
"source": "HubSpot"

Event tutorial - Contact created eventcommand

Step 2. "Contact created in HubSpot" workflow

The workflow is

  • Triggered with "Contact created" event from HubSpot integration
  • Publishes "Contact created" event.
  1. Create the trigger node with HubSpot integration. Select "Contact created" event.

Event tutorial - Contact created in HubSpot - trigger nodecommand

  1. Add a new Actioner event node. Select "Contact created" event and enter below in Event payload field.
"email": {{}},
"name": {{ + ' ' +}},
"source": "HubSpot"

Event tutorial - Contact created in HubSpot - event nodecommand

Step 3. "Create contact in Slack" workflow

The workflow is

  • Triggered when "Contact created" is submitted in Slack.
  • Publishes "Contact created" event.
  1. Create the manual node two text inputs: Email and Name.

Event tutorial - Create contact in Slack - input nodecommand

  1. Add a new Actioner event node. Select "Contact created" event and enter below in Event payload field.
"email": {{}},
"name": {{}},
"source": "Slack"

Event tutorial - Create contact in Slack - event nodecommand

Step 4. "Notify #leads channel for new contacts" workflow

The workflow is

  • Initiated by the Actioner event Contact created.
  • Sends a message to the #leads channel in Slack.
  1. Create the trigger node with Actioner event. Select "Contact created" event.

Event tutorial - Notify #leads channel for new contacts - trigger nodecommand

  1. Add a new action node. Select Slack integration and then "Send message to channel" action. Enter below in Markdown block field.
# New lead:

> **Email**: {{}}
> **Name**: {{}}
> **Source**: {{event.body.source}}

Event tutorial - Notify #leads channel for new contacts - action nodecommand

Step 5. Test your event

  1. Create a new contact by running "Create contact in Slack" via /actioner command in Slack and check new messages in your Slack channel.

Event tutorial - Run Create contact in Slackcommand

  1. Create a new contact in your HubSpot account and navigate to your channel to view the notification.

Event tutorial - Notification in leads channelcommand