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Table records

Learn about records in tables and how to configure them.


Tables are the templates or definitions for holding records. When a new entity in a table is created, meaning that fields have values assigned, these entities are called records. Records are instances of a table with specific field values.

You can think of fields as the columns in a relational database or tables as documents and fields as its properties in a non-relational database. Similarly, records are the correspondant of rows in a relational database, or the values of the properties in a non-relational database.

To see and update the records of your table, go to Tables tab of your app and click Records button.

View data records

In Records page, you can add new records to your tables, update or delete or search them.

Adding a new record

Adding a new data to a table means inserting new records to your table.

On Records page of your app, navigate to the table that you want to add data to and click + Add new record.

Add new record

Once you add a new record, you will see the fields of your table open up. Fill out these fields to create your record.

Adding new record

Updating a record

On Records page of your app, navigate to your table and find the record you want to update and click Edit at the right of the record.

Edit a record

Once you click Edit, you will see the fields of your table open up. Enter the fields on the opening screen to update your record.

Editing a record

Deleting a record

On Records page of your app, navigate to your table and find the record you want to update and click Delete at the right of the record.

Delete a record

Searching records

To search records in a table, navigate to your table on Records page of your app and enter your search query.

Search records