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AI assist for Zendesk

Learn how to get started with AI assist for Zendesk app.

Install AI assist for Zendesk from app directory and start using it by connecting your Zendesk account.


  • 📝 Automated ticket summaries: Automatically creates a brief overview of the customer's past tickets when a new ticket is created.
  • 🧠 Intent analysis: Identifies the main purpose or request in resolved tickets. Adds insights as an internal note for a complete view.
  • 😊 Sentiment analysis: Analyzes customer satisfaction in resolved tickets. Shares sentiment as an internal note to grasp customer emotions.
  • 📑 Summary of resolved tickets: Automatically generates a summary of key points in resolved tickets. Aids support agents for efficient communication with customers.

How to get started

Step 1. Install AI assist for Zendesk

Visit AI assist for Zendesk in app directory and click Install button at top right corner.

Install AI assist for Zendesk

Step 2. Connect to Zendesk

After installing the app, you'll be prompted to connect your Zendesk account.

Connections for AI assist for Zendesk

  1. Click Connect near Zendesk (Oauth) connection and proceed to authentication in Zendesk via OAuth2.
  2. You will be asked to sign in to your Zendesk account if you haven't already.
  3. Click Connect app. You’ll be redirected to Actioner upon successful authorization.

Step 3. Complete setup

After you connect your Zendesk, this app automatically creates a webhook and two ticket related triggers in your Zendesk account.

Setup AI assist for Zendesk

Run Create webhook and triggers in Zendesk. This workflow sets up a webhook and trigger for ticket creation in your Zendesk account. The webhook is named based on your input when running this workflow.

Step 4. Invite your team

To grant app admin permission to a user, go to the Permissions tab of your app and add users or groups via + Add permission button. If you can't find the users you want to add, ensure they have been invited to your Actioner workspace.

Permissions for AI assist for Zendesk

How AI assist for Zendesk works

Automated ticket summaries

When a new ticket is generated, AI Assist analyzes past tickets, creating a brief summary appended as an internal note.

AI assist for Zendesk - Automated ticket summaries

Intent analysis process

During ticket resolution, AI Assist performs intent analysis on the resolved ticket, adding insights to internal notes.

AI assist for Zendesk - Intent analysis process

Sentiment analysis process

AI Assist analyzes the sentiment expressed in resolved tickets, conveying sentiment information in internal notes.

AI assist for Zendesk - Sentiment analysis process

Summary generation process

Automatically generates a summary of key points in resolved tickets during the resolution process.

AI assist for Zendesk - Summary generation process


To update settings of your app, such as to enable or disable a specific process; go to Configs tab and navigate to appConfiguration. You can update parameters on this config.

AI assist for Zendesk - Settings

  • internalNoteSettings: Main container for internal note settings.

    • historySummary: Settings related to generating a history summary and appending the summary as an internal note to the ticket.
      • isEnabled: Whether the history summary feature is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
      • limit: Specifies the limit for the number of historical tickets to include in the summary. Default limit is set to 5.
      • authorId: Internal note author ID. If it is left blank, the connection owner is automatically set as the author.
  • onTicketSolved: Settings related to actions when a ticket is solved.

    • isEnabled: Whether the onTicketSolved feature is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
    • includes: Specifies what information should be included in the internal note when a ticket is solved.
      • intent: Whether intent will be added (true) to the internal note or not (false).
      • sentiment: Whether sentiment will be added (true) to the internal note or not (false).
      • summary: Whether summary should be added (true) to the internal note or not (false).
    • authorId: Internal note author ID. If it is left blank, the connection owner is automatically set as the author.