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Manual triggers

Learn how to setup manual triggers for your workflows.

What are manual triggers?

Manual triggers refer to the capability of initiating a workflow manually, typically by user interaction, rather than relying on automated or scheduled events. This means that instead of being triggered by specific events or conditions, the workflow is started explicitly by a user action in Slack

Workflows with a manual trigger can be run

  • By calling /actioner command in Slack and selecting the workflow to run.
  • By clicking on a button in a notification in Slack.
  • By selecting an option or clicking a button on the output view of another workflow.

Manual triggers

Manual triggers allow users to actively initiate the execution of a workflow when they need it, providing flexibility and control over when the workflow is run. The workflow can then proceed to collect information from users through forms in Slack or perform specific actions based on the input of the user running the workflow.

Manual triggers are particularly useful when workflows require user-provided data to initiate or guide the subsequent actions. They offer a structured and organized way to collect information from users, ensuring that the workflow progresses accurately and efficiently.

Upon triggering a workflow manually, users may be prompted to provide additional information through forms presented within Slack. These forms can capture specific inputs or choices necessary for the workflow to be executed effectively. Alternatively, the workflow can perform predefined actions based on the input or context provided by the user who initiated the workflow.

Manual triggers empower users to actively engage with workflows, allowing for on-demand execution and customization based on their specific needs. By providing this level of flexibility and user control, organizations can optimize their processes, foster user involvement, and ensure workflows align closely with user-driven requirements.

Here are some properties of manual triggers:

  • Forms: Users are presented with a form that typically includes fields or prompts for specific information. This form can be designed inside the trigger and presented within Slack.

  • Input validation: Your manual triggers can include validation mechanisms to ensure the accuracy and completeness of user input. This involves enforcing required fields, validating data formats, or implementing custom validation rules.

  • Workflow activation: Once the user submits the form, the workflow is triggered based on the provided input. The workflow can then leverage the collected data to perform subsequent actions or processes.

  • Seamless data flow: The input from the form is typically made available within the workflow for use by subsequent nodes or actions. This allows the workflow to utilize the user-provided data effectively and seamlessly pass it along for further processing or decision-making.

How to create workflows with a manual trigger


Visit our manual workflow tutorial to learn how to configure a manual trigger step by step.

Step 1. Create a workflow

To create a new workflow and open your workflow in canvas mode:

  • Navigate to your app's Wokflows tab and create a new workflow.

  • Give your workflow a name, provide a description and add tags optionally.

Create a manual workflow

Step 2. Create your trigger

  • Select Manual from trigger options.

Select manual option

  • On the opening panel, you can give a new name to your trigger.

Change manual trigger name

Step 3. Create your inputs and build your form

  • Start adding your inputs.

  • Optionally give a new name to the button that will be clicked to submit the form.

Add inputs to trigger

Step 4. Add your action(s)

  • Add a new node. Select Actions option and then find your integration from the opening list.

  • Select your action from the actions list, select your connection and configure your action's parameters to run the workflow.

Add action to manual workflow

→ Learn how to use actions in your workflows.

Step 5. Add your outputs

  • Add a new node. Select Output option and then select the output type.

Add output to manual workflow

Step 6. Test and save your workflow

  • Click ▶️ button to test your workflow.

Test workflow with manual trigger

  • Once all is set, apply changes to your workflow.