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Actioner API integration

Learn about actions in Actioner API integration and how to use them in your workflows.

Actioner API integration allow you to perform operations on your workflows. You can

Actions in Actioner API integration

Create workflow

Use this action to create a workflow in your app. To create a workflow,

  1. When adding a new node, select Actions and then Actioner API integration.

  2. Select Create workflow action from actions list.

  3. Fill out ACTION INPUTS.

  • App ID: Enter the ID of your app. You can reference to your existing app with {{}}.

  • Workflow JSON: Provide the JSON of the workflow that will be created.

Example workflow JSON

"type": "genericWebhook",
"name": "Alert created",
"rootCondition": {
"type": "match-all-condition",
"rules": [
"keyExpression": "event.body.type",
"operation": "equals",
"value": {
"type": "string",
"value": "create"

Get config

Use this request to retrieve a config from your app. To get a config,

  1. When adding a new node, select Actions and then Actioner API integration.

  2. Select Get config action from actions list.

  3. Fill out ACTION INPUTS.

  • App ID: Enter the ID of your app. You can reference to your existing app with {{}}.

  • Identifier: Enter the identifier. It can be the name of the config or its ID.

  • Identifier type: Select ID or Name as the type.

Get Slack user mappings

Use this action to retrieve the Slack user ID of an Actioner user by providing her Actioner ID or email address. To get a user's Slack ID by Actioner ID or email address,

  1. When adding a new node, select Actions and then Actioner API integration.

  2. Select Get Slack user mappings action from actions list.

  3. Fill out ACTION INPUTS.

  • Actioner user ID: Enter the Actioner ID of the user.

  • Actioner user email: Enter the email of the user.

  • Slack team: Select the Slack workspace or select Dynamic option and enter the ID of the Slack workspace (or Slack team) dynamically inside double curlies - {{ }}.


Either enter values to Actioner user ID field or Actioner user email field. If you do not select a workspace, the Slack users are listed for all connected Slack workspaces.

Get user by Actioner email

Use this action to retrieve the details of an Actioner user by providing her email address. To get a user by email,

  1. When adding a new node, select Actions and then Actioner API integration.

  2. Select Get user by Actioner email action from actions list.

  3. Fill out ACTION INPUTS.

  • Email: Enter the email of the user.

Get user by Actioner ID

Use this action to retrieve the details of an Actioner user by providing the Actioner ID. To get a user by Actioner ID,

  1. When adding a new node, select Actions and then Actioner API integration.

  2. Select Get user by Actioner ID action from actions list.

  3. Fill out ACTION INPUTS.

  • User ID: Enter the Actioner ID of the user.

Get user by connection variables

Use this action to retrieve the details of an Actioner user by providing connection details. To get a user by connection details,

  1. When adding a new node, select Actions and then Actioner API integration.

  2. Select Get user by connection variables action from actions list.

  3. Fill out ACTION INPUTS.

  • Connection: Enter the type of the connection.

  • Variable name: Enter the name of the variable.

  • Variable value: Enter the value of the variable.

List of connection types and their variables

  • Bitbucket(OAuth2) Variables: externalId
  • GitHub Variables: externalId
  • GitLab Variables: externalId
  • Gmail No variables
  • HubSpot(Oauth) Variables: externalId, companyCurrency, timeZone
  • Jira : Variables: cloudId, jiraSiteUrl
  • JSM OAuth2 Variables: cloudId, jsmSiteUrl
  • Opsgenie No variables
  • PagerDuty No variables
  • PagerDuty (OAuth) Variables: externalId
  • Statuspage No variables
  • Slack No variables
  • Zendesk (API) No variables
  • Zendesk (Basic) No variables
  • Zendesk (OAuth) No variables
  • Zoom No variables

Get workflow

Use this action to retrieve the details of a workflow. To get a workflow,

  1. When adding a new node, select Actions and then Actioner API integration.

  2. Select Get workflow action from actions list.

  3. Fill out ACTION INPUTS.

  • App ID: Enter the ID of your app. You can reference to your existing app with {{}}.

  • Workflow ID: Provide the ID of the workflow that you want to retrieve the details of.

  • Include endpoint: When enabled, endpoint of the integration or webhook trigger is included in the response of this action.

List configs

Use this action to list the configs in your app. To list configs,

  1. When adding a new node, select Actions and then Actioner API integration.

  2. Select List configs action from actions list.

  3. Fill out ACTION INPUTS.

  • App ID: Enter the ID of your app. You can reference to your existing app with {{}}.

  • Name: Optionally, enter the name of the config.

List workflows

Use this action to list the workflows in your app. To list workflows,

  1. When adding a new node, select Actions and then Actioner API integration.

  2. Select List workflows action from actions list.

  3. Fill out ACTION INPUTS.

  • App ID: Enter the ID of your app. You can reference to your existing app with {{}}.

  • Tags filter: Enter the tags of the workflow(s) in a comma separated list.


For example, if you enter tag1,tag2 in Tags filter field, workflows having tag1 AND tag2 are listed.

If you do not enter any tags, all workflows in your app are listed.

Search apps

Use this action to search for the apps in your Actioner workspace. To search apps,

  1. When adding a new node, select Actions and then Actioner API integration.

  2. Select Search apps action from actions list.

  3. Fill out ACTION INPUTS.

  • Keyword: Enter a keyword as a search string.

  • From: Enter the value of next page offset.

  • Limit: Enter the max number of results that will return.

  • Sort by: Select name option if you want to sort results by name.

  • Sort order: Select ascending or descending option to sort results.

  • Filter field: Select ID or Schema ID option to apply filtering on results.

  • Filter operation: Select Equals, Not equals or Is one of option to apply filtering on results.

  • Filter value: Enter a value to apply filtering on results.

Update config

Use this action to update a config. To update a config,

  1. When adding a new node, select Actions and then Actioner API integration.

  2. Select Update workflow trigger action from actions list.

  3. Fill out ACTION INPUTS.

  • App ID: Enter the ID of your app. You can reference to your existing app with {{}}.

  • ID: Provide the ID of the config that you want to update.

  • Properties: Provide a JSON for the properties you want to add or update.


If a property already exists in the config you want to update, its value will be overwritten with the data you provide in Properties field. If that property does not exist, it will be added as a new property to the related config.

Update workflow trigger

Use this action to update the trigger of a workflow. To update a trigger,

  1. When adding a new node, select Actions and then Actioner API integration.

  2. Select Update workflow trigger action from actions list.

  3. Fill out ACTION INPUTS.

  • App ID: Enter the ID of your app. You can reference to your existing app with {{}}.

  • Workflow ID: Provide the ID of the workflow that you want to update the trigger of.

  • Trigger JSON: Provide the trigger properties in JSON format.

Example webhook trigger JSON

"type": "genericWebhook|integrationWebhook|integrationApp|form",
"name": "Alert created",
"connectionId": "connection-1",
"eventRuleIdentifier": {
"integrationId": "i1",
"version": 1,
"eventRuleId": "rule-1"
"rootCondition": {
"type": "match-all-condition",
"rules": [
"keyExpression": "event.body.type",
"operation": "equals",
"value": {
"type": "string",
"value": "create"
"runButtonLabel": "Run",
"inputParameters": [...]