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Permission policies

Learn how to manage permission policies in Actioner.


Permission policies provide workspace admins with granular control over the actions users can perform within an Actioner workspace. By defining custom permission policies and assigning them to user groups, you can ensure that each user has precisely the right level of access to various functionalities.

Admin policy

By default, Admin policy is applied to Worksapce Admins group. You can assign this policy to other user groups but you cannot detach it from Worksapce Admins group.

Creating a permission policy

To create a permission policy,

  1. Go to User management page from left menu and navigate to Permission policies tab.
  2. Click on the + Create permission policy button.

Create permission policy

  1. Give a name to your policy and optionally add a desciption and tags.

Permission policy

  1. Use + Add group button to add the user groups that you want to assign this policy to.

  2. Use + Add permissions button to add permissions. Available options are:

  • Create a new app from scratch
  • Update a custom integration
  • Create a new custom integration
  • Install an app from app directory
  • Delete a custom integration

Note that after adding a specific permission, you can enable or disable it for your policy.

Custom policy groups and permissions

Assigning a policy to a user group

After creating a permission policy, you can assign it to a user group to define their access level. Here's how:

  1. Go to User management page from left menu and navigate to Permission policies tab.
  2. Click on the policy you want to assign.
  3. Click + Add group to specify the user group you want to apply the policy to.

Assign policy to a group

You can alternatively assign a policy to your group on Groups tab.

  1. Go to User management page from left menu and navigate to Groups tab.
  2. Click on the group you want to update permissions of.
  3. Click + Add permission policies to assign a policy to your group.

Assign policy to a group on groups page

Updating a permission policy

Need to make changes to an existing policy? No problem! Follow these steps:

  1. Go to User management page from left menu and navigate to Permission policies tab.
  2. Click on the policy you want to update.
  3. Use the pen icon near the policy name to update the name of your policy.
  4. Use + Add group button to add new user groups or use X icon near a group to remove it.
  5. Use + Add permissions button to add permissions or use X icon near a permission to remove it. Note that you can also enable or disable a specific permission for your policy.

Updating a permission policy

Deleting a permission policy

If a policy is no longer needed, you can easily delete it:

  1. Go to User management page from left menu and navigate to Permission policies tab.
  2. Right near the policy you want to remove, click ellipsis and then select Delete.

Deleting a permission policy