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Action nodes

Explore the power of actions in Actioner and learn how to use them in your workflows.

Actions in your workflows

Actions are the building blocks of your workflows, allowing you to seamlessly connect and interact with a wide range of popular integrations, platforms, and services. With a comprehensive library of pre-built actions, you can effortlessly automate tasks, retrieve data, and trigger actions in external systems, enabling efficient data exchange and streamlined business processes.

Actions in your workflows

Each action is designed to encapsulate a specific functionality or task related to the integrated platform. For example, in Zendesk, actions empower you to create new tickets, update ticket details, fetch ticket information, and perform other ticket-related operations. Similarly, in Slack, you can use actions to send messages, create channels, set status, or even retrieve information from channels or users.

Slack actions list in your workflows

The flexibility of actions extends to marketing automation platforms like HubSpot, where you can create contacts, update contact information, add deals to the CRM, and leverage other marketing-related functionalities. When it comes to software development and version control, actions for platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket enable you to create issues, add comments, create pull requests or merge requests, and manage branches seamlessly.

GitHub actions in your workflows

By combining and configuring actions within your workflows, you can automate complex business processes, eliminate manual tasks, and foster seamless data flow across different systems. Whether it's creating a new customer support ticket, updating contact information, or triggering code deployments, actions provide the means to streamline operations and achieve efficient automation.

Actioner's extensive collection of actions ensures that you can tailor your workflows to meet your specific needs. You can leverage actions for data transformation, data enrichment, triggering notifications, performing calculations, integrating with APIs, and much more. With the ability to customize and parameterize action inputs, you have control over the data and logic flow, making your workflows dynamic and adaptable.

Actions empower you to integrate with popular platforms, automate tasks, retrieve data, and trigger actions across various systems. They provide the means to connect your workflows with the tools and services you rely on, enabling efficient data exchange, seamless collaboration, and streamlined business processes. By leveraging the diverse range of actions available, you can unlock the full potential of automation and integration to drive productivity, enhance customer experiences, and achieve your business objectives.

Example actions

Here are examples of popular integrations and their corresponding actions in Actioner:


  • Send message: This action allows you to send messages to a specific channel or user in Slack. You can customize the message content, format, and attachments.

  • Create channel: With this action, you can create new channels in Slack, specifying the channel name, purpose, and privacy settings.


  • Create ticket: This action enables you to create a new support ticket in Zendesk. You can specify the ticket details, such as subject, description, priority, and assignee.

  • Update ticket: With this action, you can update an existing ticket in Zendesk by modifying its properties, adding comments, changing the status, or assigning it to a different agent.

  • Get ticket details: This action retrieves the details of a specific ticket in Zendesk, allowing you to access its information for further processing.


  • Create contact: This action creates a new contact in HubSpot, providing details such as name, email, phone number, and additional properties.

  • Update contact: This action allows you to update the properties and information of an existing contact in HubSpot, ensuring accurate and up-to-date records.

  • Create deal: With this action, you can add a new deal to HubSpot's CRM, specifying deal information such as deal name, amount, stage, and associated contacts.


  • Create issue: This action enables you to create a new issue in GitHub, specifying the issue title, description, assignee, labels, and other relevant details.

  • Add comment: With this action, you can add a comment to an existing issue or pull request in GitHub, facilitating collaboration and communication within your development team.

  • Create pull request: This action creates a new pull request in GitHub, allowing you to propose changes, review code, and merge branches.


  • Create merge request: This action creates a new merge request in GitLab, enabling you to propose changes, review code, and merge branches.

  • Approve merge request: This action creates a new merge request in GitLab, enabling you to propose changes, review code, and merge branches.

These examples highlight how actions in Actioner provide the ability to interact with popular integrations, enabling you to automate tasks, streamline workflows, and integrate various systems within your organization. Each action is designed to perform a specific function, allowing you to leverage the power of automation and integration to optimize your business processes