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Lead management with HubSpot

Learn how to get started with lead management with HubSpot.

Install lead management with HubSpot from app directory and start using it by connecting your HubSpot and Slack accounts.

Get started as a user

If you are invited to this app as a user, proceed to Get started as a user section to learn how to connect your HubSpot account.


Visit this link to learn about sales automation use cases.

  • 🏢 Company channels: Centralize all information, communications, and updates in a dedicated company channel for easy access and a clear deal history.
  • 📊 Monitor sales updates: Integrate HubSpot into your Slack channel for notifications on new contacts, deals, and updates. Keep track of opportunities in the pipeline and follow leads through their lifecycle within Slack.
  • 🧹 Ensure data hygiene: Easily check for missing properties and owners in Slack, promoting cleaner data and enhancing visibility for streamlined handoffs and coaching app integration.
  • 🔄 Update your CRM in Slack: Take actions on leads, companies, and opportunities with complete context. Add notes, log emails, and associate records seamlessly within Slack.
  • 🤖 HubSpot AI Assistant: Leverage your HubSpot CRM in Slack with natural language. Transform your Slack channel into a dynamic Conversational CRM, powered by NLP with our HubSpot assistant.

How to get started

Step 1. Install lead management with HubSpot

Visit lead management with HubSpot in app directory and click Install button at top right corner.

Install lead management with HubSpot

Step 2. Connect to HubSpot and Slack

After installing the app, you'll be prompted to connect your Slack workspace and HubSpot account.

Connections for lead management with HubSpot

Complete HubSpot connection

  1. Click Connect near HubSpot (Oauth) connection and proceed to authentication in HubSpot via OAuth2.
  2. You will be asked to sign in to your HubSpot account if you haven't already.
  3. Select your HubSpot account that you want to connect.
  4. Click Connect app. You’ll be redirected to Actioner upon successful authorization.

Complete Slack connection

If you have not connected your Slack workspace, you can click Connect near Slack connection.

Slack connection

You can also add your Slack workspace by navigating to Workspace settings page from left menu and then switching to Slack workspace tab.

If you do not see Workspace settings page, contact with your workspace admin.

Step 3. Complete setup

Setup lead management with HubSpot

Run Get started. This workflow configures the general settings of your app.

  • Select an Apollo app to enable enrichment for your leads and organizations. If you don't select any, enrichment will be disabled. If you do not see any Apollo app listed, visit Install Apollo enrichment to learn how to link an Apollo account.
  • Select a channel for contact notifications. If you don't select a channel, contact notifications will be disabled.
  • Select a channel for deal notifications. If you don't select a channel, deal notifications will be disabled.

Step 4. Install Apollo enrichment

Apollo enrichment is used for enriching people and organization data in your HubSpot app.

This step is optional. Skip this step if you do not have an Apollo account or if you do not want to enable enrichment in your "Lead management with HubSpot" app.

  1. Visit Apollo enrichment in app directory and click Install button at top right corner.

Install Apollo enrichment

  1. After installing the app, you'll be prompted to connect your Apollo account. Click Connect near Apollo connection and enter your API key.

Connections for Apollo enrichment

Step 5. Invite your team

By default Everyone in your Actioner workspace is added to your app as Runner.

To grant app admin permission to a user, go to the Permissions tab of your app and add users or groups via + Add permission button. If you can't find the users you want to add, ensure they have been invited to your Actioner workspace.

Permissions for lead management with HubSpot

Get started as a user

If you are invited to this app as a user, you need to complete your HubSpot connection. This connection is required for you to take actions on HubSpot notifications and to run workflows from Actioner shortcut in Slack.

  1. Click Connect near HubSpot (Oauth) connection and proceed to authentication in HubSpot via OAuth2.
  2. You will be asked to sign in to your HubSpot account if you haven't already.
  3. Select your HubSpot account that you want to connect.
  4. Click Connect app. You’ll be redirected to Actioner upon successful authorization.

How this app works

Contact notifications

When a new contact is created, Actioner automatically notifies a specific channel set in the General_settings config. If needed, you can change the contact notification channel by entering a new channel name into the channel parameter of the contact_notifications. The notification contains the email address, first name, and last name of the contact.

New contact notifications sent to the contact notification channel include the following buttons;

  • Update contact: Update the contact properties
  • Log email: Log an email to the selected contact. Actioner sends logged emails under the notification as a reply.
  • Add note: Add a note to the selected contact. Actioner sends added nodes under the notification as a reply.
  • Create company association: Create a company association for the contact. You can choose to make the selected company the primary company of the contact.

When a new contact-created notification is sent to Slack, Actioner starts to listen the property updates for that contact and sends the updates one by one under the notification as a reply.

When the contact has a new company, Actioner automatically creates a company channel for the related company. You can modify these company channels from the General_settings config. If enabled, Actioner not only sends contact notifications to the designated contact notification channel but also extends notifications to the associated company channels. Notifications can be configured from the General_settings config.

Company notifications

When a new company is introduced in HubSpot through the new contact-created event, Actioner creates a company channel for the related company and sends a pinned welcome message to the channel. You can disable channel creation completely or set specific criteria, such as minimum employee number and annual revenue, that companies must meet for their channels to be generated. These modifications can be adjusted from the General_settings config.

Lead management with HubSpot - Company notifications

Pinned welcome notifications sent to the company channels include the following;

  • Update company: Update the company properties
  • Log email: Log an email to the selected company. Actioner sends logged emails to the related company channel.
  • Add note: Add a note to the selected company. Actioner sends added nodes to the related company channel.

When a company channel is created in Slack, Actioner starts to listen the property updates for that company and sends updates to the related company channel.

Deal notifications

When a new deal is created, Actioner automatically notifies a specific channel set in the General_settings config. If needed, you can change the deal notification channel by entering a new channel name into the channel parameter of the deal_notifications. The notification contains the name, deal stage, close date, amount, priority, and deal type.

New deal notifications sent to the deal notification channel include the below buttons;

  • Update deal: Update the deal properties
  • Log email: Log an email to the selected deal. Actioner sends logged emails under the notification as a reply.
  • Add note: Add a note to the selected deal. Actioner sends added nodes under the notification as a reply.
  • Create company association: Create a company association for the contact. You can make the selected company the primary company of the deal.

When a new deal-created notification is sent to Slack, Actioner starts listening to the property updates for that deal and sends updates one by one under the notification as a reply.

If the deal is associated with a company and that company has a company channel in Slack, Actioner not only sends deal notifications to the designated deal notification channel but also extends notifications to the associated company channels. Notifications can be configured from the General_settings config.

Creating a new contact in Slack

You can create a new HubSpot contact in Slack with Create new contact workflow. You can call this workflow using the /actioner command.

Creating a new deal in Slack

You can create a new HubSpot deal in Slack with Create new deal workflow. You can call this workflow using the /actioner command.

Company channels

Company channels are a great way to collaborate with your team for open deals, lead conversions, and more. When a new contact is created in your HubSpot, Actioner creates a company channel for that contact’s company.

Lead management with HubSpot - Company channels

After the company channel is created;

  • All property updates of the company,
  • Logged email to that company,
  • Added notes to that company,
  • All property updates of the contacts that are associated with the company,
  • All logged emails of the contacts that are associated with the company,
  • All added notes of the contacts that are associated with the company,
  • All property updates of the deals that are associated with the company,
  • All logged emails of the deals that are associated with the company,
  • All added notes of the deals that are associated with the company,

go to that company channel. Enables you to keep track of contacts, deals, and company history. You can choose which notifications to receive from the company channels from the notifications property in the General_settings config. If you disabled the automatic channel creation or the company couldn’t pass the criteria you determined in the General_settings config, you can choose the send a Create company channel button that allows you to create company channels manually.

General settings

You can navigate to General_settings from Configs tab of your app. This config stores your preferences about enrichment, contact notifications, deal notifications, and company channels. An example looks like below:

"enrichment": {
"apollo_enrichment_enabled": true,
"apollo_app_id": "9e0466a1-63d9-4569-a555-29be1938311e"
"contact_notifications": {
"new_contact_notifications_enabled": true,
"channel": "new-contacts"
"deal_notifications": {
"new_deal_notifications_enabled": true,
"channel": "new-deals"
"company_channels": {
"enabled": true,
"prefix": "comp",
"creation_rules": {
"when_employee_number_higher_than": 10,
"when_annual_revenue_higher_than": 10000,
"send_channel_button_when_not_created": true
"notifications": {
"new_contact": true,
"contact_property_changed": true,
"new_owner_assigned": true,
"notes_added": true,
"email_logged": true,
"new_deal": true,
"deal_property_changed": true
  • enrichment: This is the enrichment part of the config, You can enable/disable the enrichment feature from the apollo_enrichment_enabled property. When it is false, it means that enrichment is disabled. When it is true, it means that enrichment is enabled. But when you enable enrichment, you must provide apollo_app_id. Therefore you need to have the Apollo enrichment app in your Actioner workspace. You can install Apollo enrichment from this link.

  • contact_notifications: This part is related to the new contact-created notifications. If you set the new_contact_notifications_enabled property to true, you will start getting notifications for the contacts. You also need to give a channel name to the channel property. Otherwise, you will not be able to get these notifications.

  • deal_notifications: This part is related to the new deal-created notifications. If you set the new_deal_notifications_enabled property to true, you will start getting notifications for the deals. You also need to give a channel name to the channel property. Otherwise, you will not be able to get these notifications.

  • company_channels: This is the property where you set your preferences for the company channels.

    • enabled: If this property is true, it means that company channels will be created automatically.
    • prefix: Prefix is for the what will be the prefix for company channel names. For example, if you change the prefix to comp, your company channels will be created like comp-actioner, comp-meta, etc.
    • creation_rules: This is the property where you set your prefix for company channel creation. You can determine employee number and annual revenue limit using when_employee_number_higher_than and when_annual_revenue_higher_than properties respectively. You can also choose to send a Create channel button when a company channel is not created for some reason, the reason either might be that company failed to pass on employee numbers and annual revenue limits or you set false to enabled property. To send this button, set send_channel_button_when_not_created property as true.
      • notifications: You can select which notifications to get from company channels by setting them to true or false.
      • new_contact: New contact created notifications.
      • contact_property_changed: Contact property updated notifications.
      • new_owner_assigned: Notifications for the new owner assigned to contact, company or deal.
      • notes_added: Notifications for the new note added to contact, company or deal.
      • email_logged: Notifications for the new email logged to contact, company or deal.
      • new_deal: New deal created notifications.
      • deal_property_changed: Deal property updated notifications.

How to customize this app

Turn off auto-created company channels

To disable automatic company channel creation and decide which company channels should be created, go to Configs tab of your app and then navigate to General_settings.

For this case, you can update company_channels property. You can either turn off automatic channel creation for all companies or for some companies.

To turn off automatic channel creation for all companies, set enabled property as false. To include Create channel button with the new contact notifications; also set send_channel_button_when_not_created property to true.

Config should look like this;

"company_channels" : {
"enabled" : false,
"prefix" : "comp",
"creation_rules" : {
"when_employee_number_higher_than" : 10,
"when_annual_revenue_higher_than" : 10000,
"send_channel_button_when_not_created" : true
"notifications" : {
"new_contact" : true,
"contact_property_changed" : true,
"new_owner_assigned" : true,
"notes_added" : true,
"email_logged" : true,
"new_deal" : true,
"deal_property_changed" : true

Lead management with HubSpot - Turn off auto-created company channels

To turn off automatic channel creation for only some companies, you can use when_employee_number_higher_than and when_annual_revenue_higher_than properties. This will prevent auto- channel creation for the companies who fail to pass these conditions. To include Create channel button with the new contact notifications; also set send_channel_button_when_not_created property to true.

Lead management with HubSpot - Turn on auto-created company channels with a criteria

Config should look like this;

"company_channels" : {
"enabled" : true,
"prefix" : "comp",
"creation_rules" : {
"when_employee_number_higher_than" : 100000000000,
"when_annual_revenue_higher_than" : 100000000000,
"send_channel_button_when_not_created" : true
"notifications" : {
"new_contact" : true,
"contact_property_changed" : true,
"new_owner_assigned" : true,
"notes_added" : true,
"email_logged" : true,
"new_deal" : true,
"deal_property_changed" : true

Enable/Disable enrichment

You can use Apollo’s enrichment capabilities in your Lead management with HubSpot app. When this is enabled, Actioner sends an enrichment message with new contact notifications and provides you extra insights about your leads.

To activate this, go to Configs tab of your app, navigate to General_settings and then update apollo_enrichment_enabled property as true and provide the ID of your Apollo enrichment app in apollo_app_id property. The config should look like below:

 "enrichment" : {
"apollo_enrichment_enabled" : true,
"apollo_app_id" : "9e0466a1-63d9-4569-a555-29be1938311e"

Lead management with HubSpot - Apollo app ID

If you haven’t installed the Apollo enrichment from app directory, you can follow Step 4 in this guide.

After successfully installing Apollo enrichment, you can retrieve the ID of the app from the URL.

Modify update fields and add your custom properties from HubSpot

Lead management with HubSpot app allows you to select which property fields you see in the update workflows. You can even add your own custom HubSpot fields and use them in Slack. For this, navigate the Configs tab of your app. On Configs tab, you will find Contact_property_settings, Company_property_settings, and Deal_property_settings. These configs are the ones that store your preferences for the update fields. Each of them contains default updateable properties for their respective objects. You can modify these properties by changing them to true or false.

  • Contact_property_settings contains hs_lead_status, firstname, lastname, hubspot_owner_id, lifecyclestage fields by default.
  • Company_property_settings contains name, hubspot_owner_id, website, industry, lifecyclestage, hs_lead_status fields by default.
  • Deal_property_settings contains hs_priority, dealname, amount, dealstage, hubspot_owner_id, dealtype fields by default.

To add a custom property to any of these configs, go to HubSpot property settings, select your object (Contact, Company or Deal) on Select an object section.

Lead management with HubSpot - HubSpot property settings

Find your custom property's unique identifier name on this list and copy it to the config you'd like to update.

Lead management with HubSpot - Property unique identifier

Listen a channel and log messages to HubSpot

Lead management with HubSpot allows you to pair a channel with a HubSpot contact, company, or deal. When you pair a channel with one of the objects, Actioner listens to that channel's messages and adds them to the selected object as notes one by one. To pair up a channel with an object, use Channel_listener_settings config on Configs tab of your app. In this config, you will find list_of_the_channels and channel_details.

  • list_of_the_channels: This is the property where you need to add the names of the channels that you want to listen to.
  • channel_details: This is the property that you configure your channel-object pair.
  • channel_name: Name of the channel. This channel should also be added to list_of_the_channels or vice versa.
  • paired_hs_object_type: Type of the object that you want to pair with the channel. Might be contact, company, and deal.
  • paired_hs_object_id: Id of the object that you want to pair with the channel. You can find the id of the object in the contacts HubSpot page URL.
  • message_logging_active: Enables or disables the message logging for that channel.
  • log_bot_messages_too: Preferences for whether should log the bot messages also or not.
"list_of_the_channels": ["comp-actioner1", "comp-actioner2"],
"channel_details": [
"channel_name": "comp-actioner1",
"paired_hs_object_type": "contact",
"paired_hs_object_id": "123456",
"message_logging_active": true,
"log_bot_messages_too": false
"channel_name": "comp-actioner2",
"paired_hs_object_type": "company",
"paired_hs_object_id": "456789",
"message_logging_active": true,
"log_bot_messages_too": false


Should the HubSpot owner and the Slack users must have the same email?

Yes. When Actioner sends notifications for events like new contact assigned, new company assigned, or new deal assigned, it identifies the recipients based on email comparison. Therefore, the email addresses of HubSpot owners must match those of their corresponding Slack users for the notifications to be properly directed.

My app got deleted completely. What should I do?

If your app got deleted for any reason, you need to re-install it from our App directory and complete the app setup again. But since the record the in CRM_objects table got lost with your previous app, you will not be able to get notifications for the previous HubSpot objects.

Why I’m not getting a notification when I add a note or log an email directly from HubSpot?

Currently, HubSpot does not provide an event for new email logged and new note added. Therefore we are only able to notify your workspace when you logged an email or added an event directly from Slack using Actioner.

Is the Lead management with HubSpot app store any of my HubSpot data?

Actioner does not store or keep the detailed data about your HubSpot objects. We are only storing object ids, object types, and the new contact-deal-channel created message details. You can check out the CRM_objects table for more detailed understanding.

Is there a maximum limit on the number of channels that Actioner can listen to and log messages to HubSpot?

No, you can pair up and listen as many channels as you want.

I paired a channel and a HubSpot object in the Channel_listener_settings config but it doesn’t work. Why?

You might have forgotten to invite Actioner to the channel you want to listen or the channel might be private. Actioner can only listen to the public channels that it invited. If you want to listen private channels, you need to convert your app to a standalone app for Slack. You can follow this tutorial to learn how to create a standalone app for Slack. If none of those solutions work, you can contact us for support.

My HubSpot contact have associations with more than one company. Which of these companies will get notifications about the contact?

Only the primary company of the contact, if it has a company channel, will get the notifications.

My HubSpot deal has associations with more than one company. Which of these companies will get notifications about the deal?

Only the primary company of the deal, if it has a company channel, will get the notifications.