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Actioner against humanity

Learn how to get started with Actioner against humanity app.

Install Actioner against humanity from app directory and start using it by connecting your Slack.


  • πŸƒ Play cards: Kick off a fun-filled gaming session with your coworkers, where you'll test your wit and humor against an array of amusing card combinations.
  • πŸ† Leaderboard: Ignite the competitive edge with a leaderboard spotlighting the top humorists, fostering a spirited yet amicable rivalry.
  • πŸ§‘β€βš–οΈ Infuse AI for a twist: Seeking a unique twist? Let our esteemed Judge Byteington determine the victor, injecting amusement even with fewer participants.
  • 😈 Customize with NSFW option: Tailor your game to match your team's preferences. Toggle NSFW cards on or off for a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all.
  • ⏱️ Time-bound card submissions: Maintain the game's momentum with time limits for submitting cards, ensuring swift and uproarious responses without lingering delays.
  • πŸ’£ Integrate personal cards: If our existing selection of cards isn't sufficient, incorporate your own to enrich the game's dynamics and enhance the excitement.

How to get started​

Step 1. Install Actioner against humanity​

Visit Actioner against humanity in app directory and click Install button at top right corner.

Install Actioner against humanity

Step 2. Connect to Slack​

After installing the app, you'll be prompted to connect your Slack workspace.

Connections for Actioner against humanity

Complete Slack connection​

If you have not connected your Slack workspace, you can click Connect near Slack connection.

Slack connection

You can also add your Slack workspace by navigating to Workspace settings page from left menu and then switching to Slack workspace tab.

If you do not see Workspace settings page, contact with your workspace admin.

Step 3. Invite your team​

By default Everyone in your Actioner workspace is added to your app as Runner.

To grant app admin permission to a user, go to the Permissions tab of your app and add users or groups via + Add permission button. If you can't find the users you want to add, ensure they have been invited to your Actioner workspace.

Permissions for Actioner against humanity

How to play Actioner against humanity​

Once you install the app, you are ready to play Cards Against Humanity style game in your Slack workspace.

What is a black card?​

Black cards are cards that represent a sentence with a blank. Players try the fill the blanks with the white card of their choice.

What is a white card?​

White cards are cards that players will use to fill in the blank. Players submit one white card to each round to fill the blank and the submitted white cards are removed from the player's hands. Actioner distributes a new white card to the players before starting a new round.

How to start a game​

To start a game, type /actioner command in Slack and choose Start a new game workflow. On the opening form input the following details:

  • Game channel name: Provide the name of the channel that your game will be played in.
  • Players: Players who will be playing the game. You can add or kick players in mid game.
  • Enable Judge Byteington (AI): Sets AI as permanent judge for all of the game rounds.
  • Enable NSFW content: Adds NSFW (Not Safe For Work) marked cards to your play deck. You can check black and white cards from the Configs of your app.
  • Submission duration: Sets a white card submission duration for your rounds.
  • Skip the players who not submitted white card: Determines what will happen to the players who have not submitted a white card when the submission duration ends. If your submission duration is No submission duration, it does nothing.
  • Who should start the rounds: Allows you to select the player who will start the rounds. It can be either the Game owner or the Round judge.
  • Please select the number of rounds or enter a number: Select or enter a round number. When the round number is reached, the game ends.

When a new game starts,

  • A new channel is created with the given name. If your Slack workspace already has a channel with the given name, Actioner uses that channel.
  • Selected players are invited to the channel.
  • Actioner sends a welcome message to the channel that explains the preferences for the game. This welcome message contains the following buttons:
    • Scoreboard: Shows the scoreboard for the game.
    • Add a player: Enables you to add players to the game.
    • Kick a player: Enables you to kick players from the game.
    • End the game: Ends the game and announces the game results.
    • Distribute the white cards to the players.
  • The first round of the game starts.

How to submit your cards for a round​

When a round starts, Actioner sends a round message in the game channel that contains details about the round number, black card for that round, duration for submitting cards, and the identity of the judge. This message also includes Submit card button. Players, except for the judge, can use this button to submit one of their white cards for the round. Once a card is submitted, Actioner removes the card from the player's hand.

Once all players have submitted their cards or the submission duration ends, Actioner updates the message, removing the Submit card button. Then, Actioner reveals the submitted cards and adds Make decision button for the judge to choose the round winner.

How to decide the round winner​

When card submission is concluded and the Make decision button becomes available, it's the judge's turn to select the winner for that round. The submitter of each card remains anonymous until the judge makes her decision. When the judge decides the winning card, Actioner reveals the round winner, the winner card, and the submitter of the submitted cards. This means that the round has ended. Players can then initiate a new round by clicking Start the next round button.

How to check scoreboards​

In Actioner against humanity, there are two scoreboards available: one tracks the winners of each round during the game, while the other keeps track of the overall winners of the game within your Slack workspace.

Game scoreboard​

You can utilize the game scoreboard to monitor players' round victories. At the beginning of a game, Actioner sends a pinned welcome message to the game channel. This message includes Scoreboard button. You can use this button. Also, when you choose to end the game or when the given round limit is reached, the scoreboard is shared in the channel.

Workspace scoreboard​

You can use the workspace scoreboard to keep track of the game wins in your workspace. To check this scoreboard, run Check the workspace scoreboard workflow after calling /actioner command in Slack.

How to use AI judge system​

This app provides an AI judge system that is called Judge Byteington. When you enable AI judge while setting up your game, your white card submissions are always evaluated by AI judge, and no other player can play the judge role.

Once all players submit their cards or the submission duration ends, AI judge takes the lead and starts evaluating the submitted cards. This process might take a couple of seconds. After Judge Byteington decides on the winning card, Actioner updates the message and notifies the player about the decision. Actioner also sends a new thread message under the round notification. This message displays details about card submitters, the winner card, the winner player, and the reasoning behind the judge’s decision.

How to add new black cards​

To add new black cards, run Add new black cards workflow after calling /actioner command in Slack.

You can type new black cards line by line but all black cards must include CARD placeholder for white cards to replace in the game. You can also choose to set these cards as NSFW. When these cards are configured as NSFW, they will not be added to the play deck unless you enable NSFW content while setting up your game. When you try to add an existing black card, the new card’s NSFW property overrides the existing card’s property.

How to add new white cards?​

To add new white cards, run Add new white cards workflow after calling /actioner command in Slack.

You can type new white cards line by line. You can also choose to set these cards as NSFW. When these cards are configured as NSFW, they will not be added to the play deck unless you enable NSFW content while setting up your game. When you try to add an existing white card, the new card’s NSFW property overrides the existing card’s property.


Is there a maximum number of players that can play a game?​

There is no limitation. You can invite as many players as you want.

Is there a maximum number of rounds limit that can be played in a game?​

No! You can play as many rounds as you would like.

Can I add new players to the game?​

Yes, you can. When a game starts, Actioner sends a welcome message to the channel. This welcome message contains Add a player button. After clicking this button, you can select the user you want to add. Note that, you can only add players at the end of a round. If card submissions are open or a judge is trying to decide a winning card, new players cannot be added to the game.

How can I kick a player from the game?​

When a game starts, Actioner sends a welcome message to the channel. This welcome message contains Kick a player button. After clicking this button, you can select the player that you want to kick off. Note that you can only kick players at the end of a round. If card submissions are open or a judge is trying to decide a winning card, a player cannot be kicked from the game.

What is the maximum and minimum number of black and white cards that I can have?​

You can have a maximum of 500 white cards, and 290 black cards.

How can I change the maximum number of white cards that players hold in their hands?​

Go to Configs tab of your app and then navigate to Game_settings. You can update the cards_in_hands parameter. By default, this parameter is set as 7. That's why all players always have 7 cards in their hands by default.