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Learn about user groups in Actioner.


Groups are a powerful feature that enables you to categorize users based on their roles, team connections, or responsibilities. Each group typically represents a specific set of users who share common attributes, such as job roles, team, or responsibilities. By associating users with groups, you can manage workflow permissions and access to various features or resources more efficiently.

Furthermore, you can assign permission policies to user groups to give granular access to different actions to your users.

Workspace Admins and Everyone

By default, two groups are generated in your Actioner account: Workspace Admins and Everyone.

  • Workspace Admins include all administrators in your Actioner workspace. Workspace admins have the right to create & install new apps and create, update or delete custom integrations.
  • Everyone include all users in your Actioner workspace. By default, users who are not in Workspace Admins group do not have the right to create or install new apps or create, update or delete custom integrations.

Creating a group

To create a group,

  1. Go to User management page from left menu and navigate to Groups tab.

  2. Click + Add group button.

Add group

  1. Enter the name of your group. You can optionally provide a description & tags and upload an icon.

Create a group

Adding users to your group

To add users to a group,

  1. Go to User management page from left menu and navigate to Groups tab.

  2. Navigate to the group you want to add new users.

  3. Click on Select users button.

Select users

  1. Choose users from the opening list. Available users are the one who are invited to your Actioner workspace.

Removing users from a group

To remove users from a group,

  1. Go to User management page from left menu and navigate to Groups tab.

  2. Navigate to the group you want to remove users from.

  3. Click on X button near the user that you want to remove.

Remove users

Assigning a permission policy to your group

You can assign a specific permission policy to a group to define the access level of members. You can grant or restrict below permissions in a policy.

  • Create a new app from scratch
  • Update a custom integration
  • Create a new custom integration
  • Install an app from app directory
  • Delete a custom integration

To assign a permission policy to your group,

  1. Create your permission policy.

  2. Go to User management page from left menu and navigate to Groups tab.

  3. Navigate to the group you want to update permissions.

  4. Click + Add permission policies to assign a policy to your group.

Assign policy to a group on groups page

Editing group details

You can edit a group's details, including its name, description, tags and icon, by accessing the group's settings. To edit group details,

  1. Go to User management page from left menu and navigate to Groups tab.

  2. Navigate to the group you want to edit.

  3. Click ... ellipsis at top right corner and then select Edit option.

Edit group

Deleting a group

If a group is no longer needed, you can delete it. Be cautious when deleting groups, as this action may impact user access to workflows associated with the group.

  1. Go to User management page from left menu and navigate to Groups tab.

  2. Click on trash bin icon right near the group you want to delete.

Delete a group

Granting permission to a group within your app

Managing access to your app can be simplified by granting permissions to user groups in Actioner. Instead of individually adding or removing users, you can gather them under a group and grant permission to that group. This streamlines access control and ensures that the right users have the right level of access to your app.

To grant access to a group in your app,

  1. Create your group on User management page.

  2. Navigate to Permissions tab of your app. This is the tab where you can manage access to your app.

  3. Click + Add permission to add your recently created group.

There are two options to manage the permissions of your group.

  • Admin: Admins can update the properties, workflows, configs, documents, tables, or the jobs of your app.
  • Runner: Runners have the right to run the workflows of that app unless they are restricted according to a specific workflow's permissions. They can not update the workflows or other properties.

Add your group to an app

Granting permission to a group within your workflow

Collaboration in workflow design becomes more efficient when you can manage permissions for user groups in Actioner. Instead of configuring permissions individually for each user, you can streamline access control by granting permissions to a group. This ensures that the right users within the group have the necessary access to run and update your workflow.

To grant permission to a group within your workflow,

  1. Create your group on User management page.

  2. Navigate to your workflow on Workflows tab of your app.

  3. Go to 👥 from top right corner in your canvas and then click + Select users and groups on the opening screen

There are three options to manage the permissions of your group.

  • Admin: Admins can update the nodes, or the properties of the workflow and access its Run history. By default, admins of an app are also admins of all the workflows in that app. This behavior can not be changed.
  • Runner: Runners have the right to run the workflow in Slack or in Actioner. They can not update the nodes or the workflows.
  • Restricted: Restricted users or groups cannot run or update that workflow. Even the workflow is searchable, a restricted user can not see the workflow when she calls Actioner shortcut in Slack.

Add your group to a workflow