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Learn how to get started with Freshdesk.

Install Freshdesk from app directory and start using it by connecting your Freshdesk and Slack accounts.

Get started as a user

If you are invited to this app as a user, proceed to Get started as a user section to learn how to connect your Freshdesk account.


Visit this link to learn about conversational ticketing use cases.

  • 🎟️ Create Freshdesk tickets in Slack: Run /freshdesk command and then select Create ticket workflow; include subject, description, priority and type.
  • 🔔 Slack notifications for Freshdesk tickets: Receive alerts in your chosen Slack channel whenever a new Freshdesk ticket is generated.
  • 💼 Take Freshdesk actions on Slack: Seamlessly create, view, update status, add comments, and perform your Freshdesk actions directly within your Slack workspace.
  • 💬 Add replies and notes: Respond to tickets publicly via ticket threads. Create internal notes for tickets visible only to agents using quick action buttons.

How to get started

Step 1. Install Freshdesk

Visit Freshdesk in app directory and click Install or Add to Slack button at top right corner.

Install Freshdesk

Step 2. Allow Freshdesk by Actioner app in your Slack workspace

Click Allow to allow Freshdesk to be added to your Slack workspace. You can switch to another Slack workspace from top right corner on this screen.

Allow Freshdesk by Actioner

Step 2. Connect to Freshdesk

After installing the app, you'll be prompted to connect your Freshdesk account.

Connections for Freshdesk

  1. Click Connect near Freshdesk (API) connection.
  2. On the opening page, enter your Freshdesk domain. This is the part until first dot in your Freshdesk URL. Ex: examaple-domain if your URL is
  3. Enter your Freshdesk API key and click Connect.

Step 3. Complete setup

Setup Freshdesk

  1. Run Create webhooks in Freshdesk. This workflow creates below automation rules in your Freshdesk account.

    • Notify when there is new created ticket
    • Notify when there is a new reply
    • Notify when there is a new private note
    • Priority is changed
    • Status is changed
    • Type is changed
    • Agent is changed
  2. Run Create triage channel. This workflow creates a new channel in your Slack workspace. You can use this channel to track new Freshdesk tickets and start working on them.

Step 4. Invite your team

By default Everyone in your Actioner workspace is added to your app as Runner.

To grant app admin permission to a user, go to the Permissions tab of your app and add users or groups via + Add permission button. If you can't find the users you want to add, ensure they have been invited to your Actioner workspace.

Permissions for freshdesk

Get started as a user

If you are invited to this app as a user, you need to complete your Freshdesk connection. This connection is required for you to take actions on Freshdesk notifications and to run workflows from /freshdesk command in Slack.

  1. Click Connect near Freshdesk (API) connection.
  2. On the opening page, enter your Freshdesk domain. This is the part until first dot in your Freshdesk URL. Ex: examaple-domain if your URL is
  3. Enter your Freshdesk API key and click Connect.

How to update your triage channel

Go to Configs tab of your app and then navigate to Triage_settings. Update triage_channel_name with the name of your Slack channel.

Invite Freshdesk to your channel

Do not forget to invite Freshdesk to your triage channel!

Freshdesk - Update triage channel

Creating a new ticket

In Slack, type /freshdesk command and then run Create ticket workflow. Enter the subject & description and optionally select priority & type of the ticket.

Freshdesk - Creating a new ticket

Once you create a new ticket, you'll be getting a DM from Freshdesk in Slack. You can use this conversation to track ticket updates and replies and use Reply and Close ticket buttons to add your replies and mark your ticket as resolved.

Freshdesk - DM notifications

New ticket alerts

Whenever a new Freshdesk ticket is created, you'll receive a notification in your triage channel. You can invite your support team to this channel to work on new requests.

Freshdesk - New ticket alerts

Notifications sent to your triage channel include below buttons:

  • Update ticket: Updates the ticket fields with the values entered or selected.
  • Submit a reply: Adds a new public reply to the ticket.
  • Add a private note: Adds a new private note to the ticket.

You can also assign a ticket to yourself by reaction with 👀 eyes emoji.

Ticket updates

When a ticket's priority, status, type or assignee agent changes,

  • The ticket post in your triage channel is updated with the new values.
  • A thread reply is sent to the ticket post in your triage channel, showing the changed value of the updated field.
  • If ticket is created by running Create ticket workflow through /freshdesk command, the notification sent as a DM is updated with the new ticket fields.

When a new reply is added to the ticket,

  • The reply is sent as a thread reply is sent to the ticket post in your triage channel.
  • If ticket is created by running Create ticket workflow through /freshdesk command, the reply is shared as a thread message to the DM sent to the requester.