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My apps page

Learn how to manage your apps.

My apps page

My apps page lists the apps that you are an admin of and the apps that you are added as a runner. On this page, you can manage your apps and add new apps to your workspace or clone from existing ones.

My apps page

Home tab

Home tab contains information about your app's properties. App admins can update properties such as the name, description or media links.

Home tab

  • Name: Name of your tool or process can be the name of your app. Name is also used to identify which app your workflow belong to when you want to run it in Slack through /actioner command.

App name on suggested workflows list

  • Icon: Icon of your app can be the logo of your tool or an image representing how your app works.

  • Media: In this section, you can find Youtube videos and images demonstrating your app.

  • Description: It provides a summary of your app and its features.

  • Use case and support links: In this section, you can find useful links for your app. You can add the links to pages explaining related use cases in Use cases section and links to support pages that show how to use your app in Learn more section.

Right panel

Managed app

  • Managed app: If you installed an app from app directory that is managed by Actioner, you'll see the version you installed in this section. You can update your app to the latest version or you can Unlock your app to edit your workflows. By unlocking your app, you will no longer receive updates for its new versions.

  • My connections: This section lists the connections in your app. You can complete an authentication by clicking Connect near a connection. You can also select another saved authentication for a connection.

  • App admins: This section shows the admins of your app. You can update your app's users and their permissions on Permissions tab.

Configs tab

This tab lists the configs of your app. If you are an app admin, you can update configs, delete them or create new ones.

Configs tab

Documentation tab

This tab lists the documents of your app. If you are an app admin, you can update documents, delete them or create new ones.

Documentation tab

Workflows tab

This tab lists the workflows in your app. If you are an app admin, you can update workflows, delete them or create new ones.

Workflows tab

Tables tab

This tab lists the tables in your app. If you are an app admin, you can update tables, delete them or create new ones.

Tables tab

Jobs tab

This tab lists the jobs in your app. If you are an app admin, you can update jobs, delete them or create new ones.

Jobs tab

Permissions tab

This tab lists the users added to your app and their permissions. If you are an app admin, you can add new users, update the permissions of users added to your app or delete them.

Permissions tab

Workflow permissions

You can manage a specific user's permission to access and run a workflow on its permissions.

App admins

All users added to an app can run its workflows. However, only the app admins can update its properties, configs, workflows, documents, jobs and data tables. You can see the list of app admins on Home tab or on Permissions tab.

App admins

Creating a new app

There are two options to create an app. You can install from app directory or build your own app from scratch.

To create a new app, go to My apps page from left menu and click + Add new app and proceed with your preferred option.

Add a new app

Cloning an app

Cloning an app creates its copy in your stack and lets you customize your own version of workflows on the cloned one.

To clone an app, navigate to its Home tab, click ellipsis at top right corner and select Clone.

Clone an app

When an app is cloned, a new app is created with the same properties, workflow, job and data table configurations.

When you clone an app;

  • You become the only user on the cloned version. You can add users to your app on Permissions tab.
  • Cloned app has no relations with the app it is cloned from. Changes in either of these do not impact each other.

Updating your app

App admins can update the app's properties, workflows and configurations.

  • To update your app's name, description, icon, media or links, go to Home tab.

  • To view or update connections and to authenticate a connection, go to Connections section on Home tab.

  • To edit the configs of your app, navigate to App config tab.

  • To edit the documents of your app, navigate to Documents tab.

  • To edit the workflows in your app, navigate to Workflows tab.

  • To edit the tables in your app, navigate to Tables tab.

  • To edit the jobs in your app, navigate to Jobs tab.

  • To view and update permissions, go to Permissions tab.

Deleting an app

Deletion of an app can only be performed by app admins. When an app is deleted, its workflows, data tables and jobs are removed from your workspace. Deletion of an app is irreversible.

To delete an app, navigate to your app's Home tab, click ellipsis at top right corner and select Delete.

Delete an app