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Actioner jobs integration

Learn about actions in Actioner jobs integration and how to use them in your workflows.


Actioner jobs integration allow you to perform operations on your scheduled jobs. You can

  • Add new scheduled jobs.
  • Update an existing scheduled job.
  • Delete a scheduled job.
Job nodes

Actions in this integration only work with scheduled jobs. To add, update or delete a recurring job, you can add a new job node in your workflow.

Actions in Actioner jobs integration

Save job

Use this action to create or update a scheduled job in your app. To create a new job,

  1. Select Actioner jobs integration on your node.

  2. Select Save job action from actions list.

  3. Fill out ACTION INPUTS.

  • Time: Select your job's date and time.

If you want to generate the time of the job dynamically, such as from the values in your workflow, use Dynamic option and then enter the value in double curlies - {{}}. Inside double curlies - {{}}, you can reference to the inputs of your workflow or values in the responses of earlier nodes in your workflow. You can also use one-liner JavaScript methods.

  • Name: Provide a name for your job.

  • ID: It is the identifier value of your job. Each job has a unique ID. If you do not enter any value, a new scheduled job is created with a randomly generated ID. If a job exist with the ID you provide in this field, then this action updates the existing scheduled job.

  1. Click on Job target to select a workflow on the opening panel. Select the workflow that your job your job will execute. You can select between workflows in your app.

  2. If you selected a workflow with a manual trigger, enter values for input parameters. If you selected a workflow with a webhook or an integration trigger, enter payload in JSON format.

Delete job

Use this action to delete a scheduled job in your app. To delete a job,

  1. Select Actioner jobs integration on your node.

  2. Select Save job action from actions list.

  3. Fill out ACTION INPUTS.

  • ID: It is the identifier value of your job. Each job has a unique ID. If you do not enter any value, a new scheduled job is created with a randomly generated ID. If a job exist with the ID you provide in this field, then this action updates the existing scheduled job.

If you want to generate the ID of the job dynamically, such as from the values in your workflow, enter the value in double curlies - {{}}. Inside double curlies - {{}}, you can reference to the inputs of your workflow or values in the responses of earlier nodes in your workflow. You can also use one-liner JavaScript methods.