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Integration triggers

Learn how to setup integration triggers for your workflows.

What are integration triggers?

In Actioner, integration triggers are pre-built components that connect and interact with external services, applications, APIs, or databases. They act as bridges between the Actioner platform and third-party systems, enabling seamless data flow and communication.

Integration triggers simplify the integration and automation of workflows with popular software applications and services with Actioner. They handle API calls, authentication, and data transformation, making it easier to connect to external systems.

Key features of integration triggers:

  • Pre-built functionality: Integration triggers come with specific functionality for the connected service. Integration provide a comprehensive set of actions and triggers tailored to the connected service. You can perform operations such as creating records, retrieving data, and sending notifications without extensive technical knowledge.

  • Connection configuration: Integration triggers allow you to configure connection details, credentials, and specific parameters. Manual API configuration is eliminated. Authentication credentials, connection parameters, and service-specific options can be easily set up and a secure and smooth connection with your services is enabled.

  • Extensibility: Actioner offers a wide range of integration triggers for popular services. The triggers are designed to be extensible, accommodating various integration scenarios.

  • Data mapping and transformation: Integration triggers in Actioner enable data mapping and transformation between the data between connected service and other components within your workflows and ensure proper structure, formatting, and data synchronization and facilitates efficient data processing.

By leveraging integration triggers in Actioner, you can easily integrate your workflows with your toolset, automate complex processes, and streamline data flow across systems.

Integration trigger examples

Integration triggers act as initial building blocks for creating automated workflows that make use of the functionalities provided by integrations such as Zendesk, Slack, HubSpot, GitHub, and numerous others.

Zendesk integration

  • Ticket created: Trigger a workflow when a new support ticket is created in Zendesk.
  • Ticket updated: Initiate a workflow when a ticket in Zendesk is updated or modified.
  • Ticket assigned: Trigger a workflow when a ticket is assigned to a specific agent or team in Zendesk.

Slack integration

  • New message posted: Initiate a workflow when a new message is posted in a Slack channel.
  • Emoji reaction added: Trigger a workflow when someone puts an emoji reaction in a Slack conversation.
  • New member joined: Initiate a workflow when a new user joins a Slack workspace or channel.

HubSpot integration

  • New contact created: Trigger a workflow when a new contact is added to HubSpot CRM.
  • Deal stage changed: Initiate a workflow when a deal progresses to a specific stage in HubSpot.
  • Company updated: Trigger a workflow when a property of a company is updated in HubSpot.

GitHub integration

  • New issue created: Initiate a workflow when a new issue is created in a GitHub repository.
  • Pull request opened: Trigger a workflow when a pull request is opened or submitted in a GitHub repository.
  • Repository pushed: Initiate a workflow when changes are pushed to a specific repository in GitHub.

How to create workflows with an integration trigger


Visit our automated workflow tutorial to learn how to configure an integration trigger step by step.

Step 1. Create a workflow

To create a new workflow and open your workflow in canvas mode:

  • Navigate to your app's Wokflows tab and create a new workflow.

  • Give your workflow a name, provide a description and add tags optionally.

Create a workflow with an integration trigger

Step 2. Create your trigger

  • Select your integration (or type its name).

Select your integration

  • On the opening panel, you can give a new name to your trigger.

  • Select your trigger type from opening list.

Select your trigger type

  • Actioner generates a unique URL, towards which you can configure your system to send data. The generated URL looks like below:

    *The generated URL will be the same URL each time you add a new trigger from the same integration in your app. This lets you configure only one webhook URL in your system to send data to Actioner.

Step 3. Configuration in your tool or service


For Slack and HubSpot integration, you do not need to configure any webhooks. Once you connect your Slack workspace or HubSpot account, Actioner automatically captures events.

  • Go to the tool or service you want to send data to Actioner, and find its webhooks settings. You'll often find it in your tool's core settings or options page. If you’re unable to locate it, check your tool's help and support documentation.

  • In your tool's webhook settings, you'll typically choose to add a new webhook connection. Depending on the feature set your tool provides, webhook connections can be added by creating a new integration, alarm, notification, alert or a trigger, etc.

  • Paste the webhook URL you copied from Actioner, select any option your tool offers—including which data you want to capture with the Actioner webhook—and save your changes.

  • Make sure that POST method is selected and content-type is set as JSON — or data is sent with Content-Type: application/json Header.

Step 4. Test your trigger

The integrated tool that's sending events to the Actioner will send data to it whenever something new is added (or updated, depending on your configuration).

  • To test your trigger, you can first check if your tool is capable of triggering test data. If not, add something new in your tool. For example, if you selected New message posted trigger from Slack integration, you could post a new message.

  • Click Capture event to use that data while designing your workflow.

Capture event from integration trigger

Step 5. Configure your trigger's conditions

  • Configure your triggers's conditions.

Configure conditions of an integration trigger

Step 6. Add your action(s)

  • Add a new node. Select Actions option and then find your integration from the opening list.

  • Select your action from the actions list, select your connection and configure your action's parameters to run the workflow.

Add action to workflow with an integration trigger

→ Learn how to use actions in your workflows.

Step 7. Save your workflow

  • Once all is set, apply changes to your workflow.