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Input types and properties

Explore different input types and their properties.

While designing your manual workflows, you can add text fields, number fields, select fields, date time fields and content fields as inputs. Let's take a closer look at each component and their settings.

Text fields

Text fields are used to store textual information. The available types include:

  • Text input: A single-line text field for short lengths of text.
  • Text area: A multiple-line text field for longer lengths of text.
  • Email: A single-line text field for storing an email address. It is simply a text field with an email validation rule.
  • Link: A single-line text field for storing URLs. It is simply a text field with a preset URL validation rule.
  • Phone number: A single-line text field for storing phone numbers. It is simply a text field with a preset phone number validation rule.

When executing the workflow, the input value is set to the string entered in the text field.

Properties of text fields

IDA unique value used to access the entered value of the input at workflow execution. input.input_id when referenced in a workflow, returns the entered text.
LabelThe displayed name of the input component during workflow execution.
PlaceholderText displayed when no value is entered for the input. It can be used as a tip to inform the users on what data to enter to run the workflow.
Helper textPlaced as a small note under the input. It contains additional notes or hints about what kind of information should be provided to run the workflow.
MandatoryIndicates whether the input is required to run the workflow.
Default valueThe string value assigned to the input when form is opened.
Validations- Constraint length is the min and max number of characters the field can take. It is available for text and text area inputs.
- Regular expression is used to validate entered data. It is available for text and text area inputs.

Number fields

Number fields are used to store information in number format. Available types are integer and decimal fields.

  • Integer: A single-line field for storing an integer value. It is simply a text field with a preset integer validation rule.
  • Decimal: A single-line field for storing a decimal value. It is simply a text field with a preset decimal validation rule.

When executing the workflow, the input value is set to the integer or decimal entered in the number field.

Properties of number fields

IDA unique value used to access the entered value of the input at workflow execution. input.input_id when referenced in a workflow, returns the entered number.
LabelThe displayed name of the input component during workflow execution.
PlaceholderText displayed when no value is entered for the input. It can be used as a tip to inform the users on what data to enter to run the workflow.
Helper textPlaced as a small note under the input. It contains additional notes or hints about what kind of information should be provided to run the workflow.
MandatoryIndicates whether the input is required to run the workflow.
Default valueThe numeric value assigned to the input when no value is entered.

Select fields

Select fields are used to provide options that can be selected from a list. Available types are single select, multi select, checkbox, checkbox group and radio button group.

When executing the workflow, the input value is set to the values of selected option or options.

Single select

Single-select field allows selecting an option from a dropdown list. Single select inputs include type-ahead functionality, where a user can type a part or all of an option to filter matching ones from the list.

Each option of a select component has a display and an identifier value. Display value is an option's visible value on the dropdown list. Input's value becomes the selected option's identifier value when the workflow is run.

→ Learn how to configure sources for select fields.

Properties of single select fields

IDA unique value used to access the selected value of the input at workflow execution. input.input_id when referenced in a workflow, returns the selected option's identifier value.
LabelThe displayed name of the input component during workflow execution.
PlaceholderText displayed when no value is selected for the input. It can be used as a tip to inform the users on which option to select to run the workflow.
Helper textPlaced as a small note under the input. It contains additional notes or hints about what kind of information should be provided to run the workflow.
MandatoryIndicates whether the input is required to run the workflow.
SearchProvides search-as-you-type (type-ahead) functionality. When enabled, allows users to search options and select a matching option from a dropdown list by typing in the input field. As the user types, the dropdown dynamically filters and displays matching options based on the entered text.
Custom valuesAllows users to enter their own choices, even if they are not available in the predefined dropdown options.
Source typeCan be set as static or dynamic. You also need to select the type of the identifier value. Type can be String, Email, URL, Phone number, Integer, Decimal or Map.
OptionsThe display and identifier value of the options. You can add options from multiple sources.
Default valueThe value assigned to the input when no option is selected.
Validations- Constraint length is the min and max number of characters an option can take.
- Regular expression is used to validate the selected value.


Multi-select field allows selecting multiple options from a list. Multi-select inputs include type-ahead functionality, where a user can type a part or all of an option to filter matching ones from the list.

Each option of a multi-select component has a display and an identifier value. Display value is an option's visible value on the dropdown list. The identifier values of selected options are added up to an array, which then becomes the value of the input when the workflow is run.

→ Learn how to configure sources for select fields.

Properties of multi-select fields

IDA unique value used to access the selected value(s) of the input at workflow execution. input.input_id when referenced in a workflow, returns the selected options' identifier values in a list.
LabelThe displayed name of the input component during workflow execution.
PlaceholderText displayed when no value is selected for the input. It can be used as a tip to inform the users on which option(s) to select to run the workflow.
Helper textPlaced as a small note under the input. It contains additional notes or hints about what kind of information should be provided to run the workflow.
MandatoryIndicates whether the input is required to run the workflow.
SearchProvides search-as-you-type (type-ahead) functionality. When enabled, allows users to search and select options from a dropdown list by typing in the input field. As the user types, the dropdown dynamically filters and displays matching options based on the entered text.
Custom valuesAllows users to enter their own choices, even if they are not available in the predefined dropdown options.
Source typeCan be set as static or dynamic. You also need to select the type of the identifier value. Type can be String, Email, URL, Phone number, Integer, Decimal or Map.
OptionsThe display and identifier value of the options. You can add options from multiple sources.
Default valueThe value assigned to the input when no option is selected.
Validations- Constraint size is the min and max number of options an input can take.


Checkbox input allows enabling or ticking a single value. When the workflow is run, if this field is ticked, input's value becomes true. If it is not ticked, input's value becomes false.

Properties of checkbox fields

IDA unique value used to access the value of the checkbox at workflow execution. input.input_id when referenced in a workflow, returns true when checkbox is enabled, returns false if checkbox is not enabled.
LabelThe displayed name of the checkbox during workflow execution.
Helper textPlaced as a small note under the input. It contains additional notes or hints about what kind of information should be provided to run the workflow.
Default valueIndicates whether the checkbox will be enabled by default.

Checkbox group

Checkbox group allows choosing or ticking multiple options from a list of checkboxes.

Each option in a checkbox group has a display and an identifier value. Display value is the option's visible value near the tick. The identifier values of selected options are added up to an array, which then becomes the value of the input when the workflow is run.

→ Learn how to configure sources for select fields.

Properties of checkbox groups

IDA unique value used to access the enabled value(s) of the checkbox group at workflow execution. input.input_id when referenced in a workflow, returns the selected checkboxes' identifier values in a list.
LabelThe displayed name of the input component during workflow execution.
Helper textPlaced as a small note under the input. It contains additional notes or hints about what kind of information should be provided to run the workflow.
MandatoryIndicates whether at least one option must be selected to run the workflow.
Source typeCan be set as static or dynamic. You also need to select the type of the identifier value. Type can be String, Email, URL, Phone number, Integer, Decimal or Map.
OptionsThe display and identifier value of each option in a checkbox. You can add options from multiple sources.
Default valueIndicates which options in the checkbox group will be enabled by default.
Validations- Constraint size is the min and max number of options that can be enabled in a checkbox group.

Radio button group

Radio button group allows selecting from a list of radio buttons.

Each option in a radio button group has a display and an identifier value. Display value is the option's visible value. The identifier values of the selected option is added up to an array, which then becomes the value of the input when the workflow is run.

→ Learn how to configure sources for select fields.

Properties of radio button groups

IDA unique value used to access the selected value of the radio button group at workflow execution. input.input_id when referenced in a workflow, returns the selected option's identifier value.
LabelThe displayed name of the input component during workflow execution.
Helper textPlaced as a small note under the input. It contains additional notes or hints about what kind of information should be provided to run the workflow.
MandatoryIndicates whether the input is required to run the workflow.
Source typeCan be set as static or dynamic. You also need to select the type of the identifier value. Type can be String, Email, URL, Phone number, Integer, Decimal or Map.
OptionsThe display and identifier value of each option in a radio button group. You can add options from multiple sources.
Default valueIndicates which option in the radio button group will be enabled by default.
Validations- Constraint length is the min and max number of characters an option in a radio button group can take.
- Regular expression is used to validate selected option.

Date time fields

Date time fields are used to select a date from a calendar style UI or select a time of the day. Available types are date, time or a date & time field.


Date field allows selecting a date from a calendar style UI. Default format of the selected date is YYYY-MM-DD.

When executing the workflow, the input value is set to the selected date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Properties of date fields

IDA unique value used to access the selected date at workflow execution. input.input_id when referenced in a workflow returns the selected date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
LabelThe displayed name of the input component during workflow execution.
PlaceholderText displayed when no value is selected for the date input. It can be used as a tip to inform the users on what value to select to run the workflow.
Helper textPlaced as a small note under the input. It contains additional notes or hints about what kind of information should be provided to run the workflow.
MandatoryIndicates whether the input is required to run the workflow.
Default valueThe date assigned to the input when no value is provided.
Validations- Constraint length is the min and max number of characters the field can take.
- Regular expression is used to validate entered date.


Time input allows the user to select a time of day. Default format of the selected time is HH:mm:ssZ.

When executing the workflow, the input value is set to the selected time in HH:mm:ssZ format.

Properties of time fields

IDA unique value used to access the entered time at workflow execution. input.input_id when referenced in a workflow, returns the entered time in HH:mm:ssZ format.
LabelThe displayed name of the input component during workflow execution.
PlaceholderText displayed when no value is entered for the time input. It can be used as a tip to inform the users on what value to enter to run the workflow.
Helper textPlaced as a small note under the input. It contains additional notes or hints about what kind of information should be provided to run the workflow.
MandatoryIndicates whether the input is required to run the workflow.
Default valueThe time assigned to the input when no value is provided.
Validations- Constraint length is the min and max number of characters the field can take.
- Regular expression is used to validate entered time.

Date & time

Date & time input allows the user to select a time of day. Default format of the selected time is in UTC millis format.

When executing the workflow, the input value is set to the selected date and time in UTC millis format.

Properties of date & time fields

IDA unique value used to access the entered date time at workflow execution. input.input_id when referenced in a workflow, returns the entered date & time in UTC millis.
LabelThe displayed name of the input component during workflow execution.
PlaceholderText displayed when no value is entered for the date time input. It can be used as a tip to inform the users on what value to enter to run the workflow.
Helper textPlaced as a small note under the input. It contains additional notes or hints about what kind of information should be provided to run the workflow.
MandatoryIndicates whether the input is required to run the workflow.
Default valueThe date-time value assigned to the input when no value is provided.

Content fields

Content fields are used to style your forms. They are not visible when your workflow is run on workflow bar. Available types are header or a body field.

You can use them to add a header to your forms in the hierarchy you speficied. You can use them to style your forms.

Properties of header fields

IDA unique value used to access the value of the header field at workflow execution.
TitleThe text displayed as the header in form view.
HierarchyHierarchy of the header. Can be H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 or H6.


Body fields add a plain text block to your forms. You can use them to give information to users to run the aciton or to style your forms.

Properties of body fields

IDA unique value used to access the value of the body field at workflow execution.
ParagraphThe plain text displayed as the body in form view.

Map fields

Map fields are used to associate key-value pairs. They allow you to define a set of key-value relationships, where the keys can be of various data types, including objects, functions, and primitive types like numbers, strings, and symbols.

When executing the workflow, the input value is a map containing the defined key-value pairs.

Properties of map fields

IDA unique value used to access the map input at workflow execution. input.input_id when referenced in a workflow, provides access to the map data.
LabelThe displayed name of the input component during workflow execution.
PlaceholderText displayed when no key-value pairs are defined for the input. It can be used as a tip to inform the users on what data to associate with the keys in the map.
Helper textPlaced as a small note under the input. It contains additional notes or hints about what kind of key-value information should be provided to run the workflow.
MandatoryIndicates whether the input is required to run the workflow.
Default valueThe map with predefined key-value pairs when no data is provided.
Validations- Constraint size is the min and max number of options an input can take.