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Delay operators

Learn how to use delay operators in your workflows.

Delay nodes in workflows

In the context of building workflows, a delay operator is a mechanism or function that introduces a time delay or pause within the execution flow of a workflow. It is used to introduce a specific waiting period between two consecutive steps or actions in the workflow.

The delay operator allows you to control the timing and sequencing of actions in your workflow. It can be useful in scenarios where you need to wait for a certain amount of time before proceeding to the next step or when you want to introduce a time-based delay in your workflow logic.

For example, let's say you have a workflow that involves sending a series of automated emails to users. After sending an email, you may want to introduce a delay of 24 hours before sending the next email to give users enough time to read and respond to the previous email. In this case, you can use the delay operator to pause the workflow for 24 hours before proceeding to the next step.

The delay duration can be specified in various units of time such as seconds, minutes, hours, or even specific dates and times. The specific implementation of the delay operator may vary depending on the workflow automation platform or tool you are using.

Overall, the delay operator helps you introduce time-based pauses or intervals within your workflows, allowing you to control the timing and sequencing of actions for more efficient and effective automation.