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Manage and track Zendesk ticket lifecycle in Slack

Manage the entire Zendesk ticket lifecycle seamlessly by tracking all ticket updates in one single Slack thread.

What's it for

Actioner improve your support workflow through sending Zendesk notifications to Slack, keeping your support team and requesters informed at every update, enabling a seamless communication and collaboration with magical and out of the world features.

How it works

When a new Zendesk ticket is created, Actioner instantly sends a real-time notification to your support team's designated triage channel in Slack. This notification contains a brief summary of the ticket, like its ID, priority, status, requester, and who's handling it.

Actioner's smart actions and emojis act as your trusty sidekicks in managing tickets without leaving Slack. Utilize smart actions such as ✍️ Update, 👀 Assign, 🔍 Show requester, ➕ Add follower, 🔏 Private ticket, and ➕ Create a follow-up ticket to handle tickets efficiently without leaving Slack. 

You can update tickets using emojis. The eyes 👀 emoji assigns the ticket to the user who added it, while the check mark ✅ emoji changes the ticket status to solved.

If you need to add an internal note that only your support team should see, just put the lock 🔒emoji at the beginning of your message. It's like whispering secrets within your team!

You can track Zendesk comments within Slack, all within the same thread. When a comment is added to the ticket, Actioner skillfully creates a new thread message in the triage channel's post, displaying the original commenter's name and their Slack profile picture if the commenter is a Slack user. This adds a personal touch to your team's ticket management by enabling smooth communication between your agents and your requesters.

Track Zendesk ticket lifecyle through Slack threads
Track Zendesk ticket lifecyle through Slack threads

With Actioner in your corner, ticket management becomes a breeze. Smart actions, emojis, using threads to add comments and the ability to track everything from a single place; all work together to ensure you and your support team have everything under control, keeping your support team efficient, and your customers satisfied.

How to get started

  1. Install Zendesk for Slack to your Slack workspace and connect to your Zendesk account.
  2. Run setup workflows to create webhook for Zendesk and create your dedicated Slack channels.
  3. To activate the bot, invite it to your channels after you have set up your app. After that, you can start providing foolproof support!

Some other handy workflows

Freshdesk ticket notifications in Slack

Get notified in Slack whenever there is a new ticket in your Freshdesk instance.


New Zendesk ticket alerts in Slack

Get notified in Slack whenever there is a new ticket in your Zendesk instance.

Conversational ticketing with Zendesk

Create Zendesk tickets with slash commands

Raise requests within Slack using Actioner's shortcut or slash command.

Conversational ticketing with Zendesk

Your gateway to seamless automation

Actioner turns the complex into simple, allowing you to connect apps and automate workflows on a grand scale, faster and easier than ever.

Frequently asked questions

Can I use this app with a different ticketing tool?

Conversational ticketing app is tailored for Zendesk. If you are using another tool such as Freshdesk or Jira Service Management, etc. you can use Actioner to build a conversational ticketing app that works with your system.

Our ticket management process includes more tools. Can I also use them with Actioner?

You can use as many tools as you want with Actioner as long as they have public APIs. You can create new connections, actions, and workflows that send data from your own tools and combine them with the existing app.

Can I use another emoji to create tickets?

Yes! You can customize your app, and change the emojis in your workflows through AppConfigs. Please check out Conversational ticketing with Zendesk help doc for more information.

How can I add new request channels?

To add new request and triage channels, you can run Set up request and triage channels workflow. After running this workflow, do not forget to invite Actioner to your new request channel! Please check out Conversational ticketing with Zendesk help doc for more information.