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Trivia is now free for everyone to play in Slack

Dive into fun with Actioner's free Slack Trivia app! Enjoy real-time quizzes, leaderboards, and a vast question bank. Perfect for workplace engagement.

We're thrilled to announce that our popular Slack Trivia app is now completely free for everyone! At Actioner, we believe in the power of fun and learning, and what better way to combine the two than with a trivia game?

Why we're making Trivia free

Actioner loves to create engaging experiences that unite people in Slack, whether for learning, entertainment, or both. By making Trivia free, we're opening the doors to a broader audience, ensuring everyone can enjoy the thrill of testing their knowledge, regardless of their budget.

What you can expect

Our Trivia app is packed with features designed to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience:

  • Diverse question bank: With thousands of questions across various categories, there's something for everyone - all generated by AI.
  • Real-time multiplayer: Challenge friends or compete with players worldwide in real time.
  • Leaderboards: See how you stack up against the competition and strive for the top spot.

How to get started

Follow these simple steps to start playing Trivia in your Slack workspace:

  1. Install the Trivia: Install Trivia to your Slack workspace.
  2. Call Actioner: Type /actioner in any Slack channel to open the Actioner interface.
  3. Create a Trivia game: Choose the Create Trivia Game option.
  4. Set up your game: Select your preferred game category, difficulty level, number of questions, and the Slack channel where you want to play.
  5. Start playing: Enjoy your customized trivia game directly in Slack!

Happy trivia playing!

More free apps to explore

Check out our other free apps, Poll and Kudos, to further enhance your team's engagement and collaboration. Like Trivia, these apps are designed to bring fun and interaction to your workplace.

Join the fun

We're excited to see even more users join our Trivia community. Whether you're a trivia buff, looking for a fun way to learn, or just seeking a quick entertainment break, our app has something for you. So what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Trivia today and start flexing your brain muscles!

Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements, and as always, happy quizzing!

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