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Next-gen deal rooms built on Actioner-powered Slack channels

In modern deal rooms, every stakeholder joins a deal-dedicated Slack channel, quickly shares any info stored in their tools, or jumps on urgent meetings in Slack.

Slack is undoubtedly the go-to communication tool for sales teams that engage online or work remotely.  Modern sales teams collaborate in a Slack deal room, basically a channel with members including every stakeholder of a specific account or deal. But, Actioner takes Slack deal rooms to the next level by helping your team elevate the conversation, speed up cycles, and generate more opportunities. So, let's dive into the characteristics of a next-gen Slack deal room enhanced with Actioner.

Who should be in a deal room?

From sales to the legal team, everyone associated with a deal needs to be ready in a deal room to avoid misconceptions about subjects that matter in a deal.

Sales team

The sales team has all the data of the deal, how the contact/company has been qualified, whether it was generated through marketing or sales efforts, what the planned budget was, and what initial needs or business workflows they were trying to be optimized. The account/deal owners manage the relationship with a customer in general; they sometimes act as a customer rep, try to generate opportunities with upselling or cross-selling, and may even provide technical assistance when needed.

Customer success

The customer success team holds all the past and current details about the customer's pain points, interactions and satisfaction history with the product or service, and potential expansions or opportunities. As a result, they have the most valuable customer insights.

Product or project management team

If a company associated with the deal needs integration, update, custom development, or additional service, the product, and project management teams can provide necessary information about whether it is realizable considering the issues of the developers, the roadmap of the product, deadline of the project, and the required time frame if it's doable, or if alternative ways exist.

Legal department

The legal department has an eclectic, complicated, and often unexpected portfolio of challenges in a company. Legal reps foresee possible threats and future outcomes when a decision is to be made about a deal.

Finance department

The finance department is responsible for profit maximization, budget allocation, return on investment measurement, etc. They can support the deal management with financial advice, relaying a budget plan, and forming fallback workflows.

All those information-holders need to collaborate efficiently for next-gen deal management. A Slack channel precisely created for a deal, consisting of members with clearly defined roles, is the key to having a great deal room setup.

How does Actioner power Slack deal rooms with HubSpot?

Actioner has no limits on how you can utilize HubSpot on Slack. Workflow designer allows you to create your own HubSpot workflows, your own HubSpot app, your own business-specific HubSpot workflows, custom user-based notifications, and many more. Once you connect Actioner with your HubSpot account, nothing will ever be the same. Get informed and aligned with your team, as Actioner makes every scenario possible.

We've also listed some scenarios we've imagined here.

>> Learn how to create a deal room in Slack

What does a next-gen deal room look like?

You can turn your Slack channels dedicated to specific accounts into a feed but like a next-gen deal feed. Channel members can discover any progress and track deal movements to stay up-to-date, experts on a particular matter to reach out to, conversations of a specific subject to get involved in, or reminders and alerts to get on track on your task. Within a Slack channel, you can comment, add emojis to messages, or pin and save them. But with Actioner, the engagement between your team members levels up in Slack.

You can consider Actioner deal rooms as a deal hub in which members can track any progress about a deal, an info collateral that notifies and informs members about any update, and an app repository that allows you to utilize all your work apps and related workflows from one interface.

Deal hub

  • Core spot for teamwork on key accounts
  • Aligned decision-makers
  • Subject matter experts looped-in from other teams
  • Recaps for all current and new deal room participants to not fall behind context
  • Compiled meeting outcomes and tasks

Info collateral

  • Alerts for urgent meetings for everyone in the channel
  • Notifications when a record is changed or created
  • Informed team members when the pipeline stage is changed
  • Personal notices when there is a need to take action
  • Suggestions on which follow-up actions need to be taken

App repository

  • All your Actioner-connected apps in one place (HubSpot, Zendesk, Jira, Zoom, Stripe, etc.)
  • Workflows run in diverse business processes (assign tasks, create opportunities, check invoices, etc.)
  • Unified data and reports from all apps used for different business needs

How to turn a Slack channel into a next-gen deal room with Actioner?

A next-gen deal room has what it takes to achieve the fastest decision-making process in terms of a deal. There is no room for wasting time and opportunities. Collaboration is at the forefront, and there are no obstacles in terms of communication between team members. To turn a Slack channel into a next-gen deal room, you need to connect all your work apps used through the lifetime of a deal as you need to collect and nurture data from different contexts. All historical data and your analysis should feed your team's best decision and next-best actions regarding a deal.

Let's turn your Slack channel into a next-gen deal room with Actioner by following the steps below.

  • List your work apps (HubSpot, Zendesk, Slack, etc.) and connect them with Actioner.
  • You can create your own apps, andworkflows according to your sales cycle or use the existing ones in the app directory.
  • Create Slack channels dedicated to specific deals.
  • Collaborate with your team in next-gen deal rooms and start taking insightful actions.

A faster sales cycle with more opportunities and deal expansions is possible with Actioner. So stop wasting time and get started today with Actioner-powered next-gen deal rooms.

In modern deal rooms, every stakeholder joins a deal-dedicated Slack channel, quickly shares any info stored in their tools, or jumps on urgent meetings in Slack.

In case you have any questions, feel free to write us through our Slack community.

Sales use cases
Slack-first sales with HubSpot
Deal rooms in Slack

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