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3 quickest ways to update contacts in HubSpot from Slack

Update HubSpot contacts from Slack with Actioner: use slash commands, quick action buttons, or automate workflows for efficient contact management.

Updating contact information accurately and efficiently is crucial for maintaining effective customer relationships. However, switching back and forth between different applications to update this information can be cumbersome and time-consuming. To streamline this process, Actioner’s HubSpot Slack app offers 3 different ways to manage your HubSpot contacts directly within Slack:

  1. Slash commands by calling Actioner in Slack and selecting the "Update Contact" workflow.
  2. Quick action buttons, where users can update contacts directly from a notification in their dedicated channel.
  3. Automation, using Actioner to create custom workflows that respond to changes in contact properties.

Let’s dive into each method to find out which works best for your team’s needs and enhances your workflow efficiency within Slack!

1. Update contacts through the slash command

This manual update method provides a direct and controlled way to ensure your HubSpot database remains accurate. It reflects the latest information, all without breaking your work flow on Slack. Here’s how:

  1. Simply type /hubspot in any empty Slack message box. 
  2. Select Update contact from the dropdown.
  3. Find HubSpot contact.
  4. In the prompted screen, you can easily update contact properties such as phone number, email address, contact owner, or lifecycle stage.
  5. Once you click Update, your updates will be instantly processed in HubSpot by Actioner.

2. Update contacts with quick action buttons

When you get a Slack notification informing new contact is added in HubSpot, you can quickly update contact properties through quick action buttons.

Here’s how:

  1. Click Update contact quick-action button in the notification.
  2. In the form, you can change contact's details like phone number, email, or lifecycle stage.
  3. Once you click Update, your updates will be instantly processed in HubSpot by Actioner.

3. Automate contact updates with custom workflows

You can leverage Actioner to create automated workflows in Slack that updates contact information HubSpot automatically. For example, you can build a workflow that changes the lead lifecycle stage or updates the contact owner when there’s a specific contact update. 

Here’s how:

  1. Set up Actioner triggers for events like Contact property changed or Contact created in HubSpot.
  2. Add an Update contact action to the chosen trigger, which executes when specific contact details change.
  3. Define specific conditions under which the automation should run, such as changes in contact owner or lifecycle stage.
  4. Once set up, activate the workflow and monitor its effectiveness in updating contact information based on your specified rules.

Get started with HubSpot Slack integration

Dive deeper into our suite of tools and workflows designed to optimize your CRM processes directly within Slack. With Actioner, you have the power to:

  • Automatically update contacts as soon as changes occur in HubSpot.
  • Trigger workflows based on specific events like contact creation or property updates.
  • Customize and build workflows to fit your specific needs, allowing you to automate nearly any aspect of your contact management.

How to get started:

  1. Install HubSpot app to your Slack workspace.
  2. Connect to your HubSpot instance.

Whether you're looking to streamline manual updates, leverage quick actions for efficiency, or fully automate your contact management, our solutions bring your HubSpot data into the flow of your Slack workspace. Stay updated, reduce manual tasks, and ensure your team has the most current information at their fingertips.

Don't forget to join our Slack community for more insights and support!

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