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Zendesk Slack Integration

This guide covers the integration of Zendesk with Slack via Actioner platform, the comparision of Actioner and the Zendesk Support Slack app, focusing on connecting Zendesk to Slack workspaces, managing Zendesk Support tickets in Slack, setting up and customization of the app.

Jan. 24, 2024

Conversational ticketing with Zendesk is a built-with Actioner integration that connects Zendesk subdomains to Slack workspaces. It allows you to interact with Zendesk Support tickets in your Slack channels.

Why choose Zendesk Slack integration by Actioner?

The main difference between Zendesk's own Slack app and Actioner centers on ticket management functionality in Slack;

  • Actioner allows you to comment on Zendesk tickets directly within Slack, eliminating the need to open Zendesk. 

Additionally, Actioner offers enhanced customization capabilities. You can modify automated workflows; alter notification formats, change triggers, conditions and much more.

For more information take a look at the comparison of Zendesk's own Slack app and Actioner.

In this guide, we will cover the following topics:

About Zendesk Slack integration

Actioner's Zendesk integration with Slack simplifies customer support by centralizing all your interactions within Slack. It eliminates the need to switch back and forth with Zendesk while requesting and triaging.

  • Receive real-time notifications on Zendesk tickets within Slack
  • Create Zendesk tickets within Slack
  • Update Zendesk tickets within Slack
  • Driving conversations through threads
  • Send automated CSAT surveys

Receive real-time notifications on Zendesk tickets within Slack

When there's a new Zendesk ticket, Actioner sends a real-time notification to your support team's triage channel in Slack. This notification contains a ticket summary, ID, priority, status, requester, and the ticket assignee.

Additionally, it allocates the related ticket updates in the message thread as follows:

  • When a new comment is added to the ticket, the original commenter's name and Slack profile picture are displayed if the commenter is a Slack user.
  • When summary, ID, and priority properties have changed.
  • When the ticket status has changed.
  • When the ticket is assigned to an agent.
  • When a follower is added to the ticket.
Track Zendesk ticket lifecyle through Slack threads
Track Zendesk ticket lifecyle through Slack threads

Create Zendesk tickets within Slack

You can create Zendesk tickets in multiple ways within Slack:

  • Create a Zendesk ticket by adding 🎫 emoji in Slack: Using a ticket emoji reaction in a dedicated Slack channel creates a support ticket.
Create Zendesk tickets with Slack emoji
Create Zendesk tickets with Slack emoji
  • Convert Slack messages into Zendesk tickets instantly: Automatically convert new messages in a dedicated Slack channel into Zendesk tickets, with options to customize rules based on specific keywords.
  • Create a Zendesk ticket with /oner command: To create a Zendesk ticket in Slack manually, call Actioner, select Create a ticket workflow, fill out the form fields, click Create, and a ticket is generated.
Create Zendesk tickets manually in Slack
Create Zendesk tickets manually in Slack

Update Zendesk tickets within Slack

You can update Zendesk tickets in multiple ways within Slack:

  • Updating Zendesk tickets in Slack with quick actions
  • Updating Zendesk tickets in Slack with emojis

Updating Zendesk tickets in Slack with quick actions:

Zendesk ticket notifications in Slack include a concise ticket summary and interactive buttons as follows:

  • Update: Agents can modify ticket fields, including subject, priority, status, assignee, and tags.
  • Assign: Agents can update the ticket's assignee group and agent.
  • Show requester: Agents can view information about the requester, such as their name, email, role in Zendesk, and 10 most recent tickets.
  • Add follower: You can add a selected Slack user as a follower of the ticket in Zendesk.
  • Private ticket: Agents can move the conversation to a direct message (DM) when dealing with confidential information that needs to be shared between the agent and the requester.

Create a follow-up ticket: Agents can create a new ticket that references the closed ticket.

Update Zendesk tickets in Slack
Quick Zendesk actions for ticket updates in Slack

Updating Zendesk tickets in Slack with emojis:

  • Assign a Zendesk ticket by adding 👀emoji in Slack: Using eyes emoji reaction to a Zendesk ticket notification in Slack; agents can assign tickets.
  • Update ticket status to solved by adding ✅emoji in Slack: Using check mark emoji reaction to a Zendesk ticket notification in Slack, agents can change ticket status to solved.
Update Zendesk tickets with Slack emojis
Update Zendesk tickets with Slack emojis

Driving conversations through Slack threads

Within Slack, agents and requesters can communicate, track ticket comments and stay informed about the ticket's progress and updates.

  • Requesters interact with agents using the dedicated message thread in the #request channel, allowing them to quickly follow their ticket's comments and updates.
  • Agents communicate with the requester within the ticket notification thread in the #triage channel.

Agents can initiate their messages for internal discussions with a lock 🔒 emoji. This feature adds their comments as internal notes, visible only to the team and not to the requester in the request channel. 

Sending automated CSAT surveys in Slack 

Zendesk Slack integration also offers a Slack-based CSAT process where requesters automatically receive a DM to rate their support experience on a scale of 1-5 when a ticket is solved.

How to integrate Zendesk and Slack 

Slack and Zendesk can be connected easily. Here are the steps to follow;

  1. Visit Conversational ticketing with Zendesk in the Actioner app directory.
  2. Click the Install button at the top right corner.
  3. Connect to your Zendesk account. You’ll create a Zendesk (Oauth) connection and proceed to authentication in Zendesk via OAuth2. Click the Connect app for successful authorization.
  4. After being redirected to Actioner, it’s time to connect to your Slack workspace. Click Connect near Slack connection.

Setting up Zendesk webhook and Slack channels

Upon successful connections, the next step is to run setup workflows:

  1. Create webhook and triggers in Zendesk: This workflow creates webhook and ticket-related triggers in your Zendesk.
  2. Create channels for new ticket notifications and raising requests: This workflow creates 3 new channels in your Slack workspace:
  • #actioner-default-queue: The channel for notifications of requests the command /actioner raised in Slack and Zendesk.
  • #actioner-requests: The channel for users in your Slack workspace to raise their requests.
  • #actioner-triage: For notifications of requests raised from the #actioner-requests channel.

Inviting Actioner to Slack channels

Once you have completed the setup workflows, it's essential to invite the Actioner bot to your Slack channel. Simply type @Actioner and send this as a message in the channels. 

This step is crucial for enabling the app to interact with and listen to the channel's activities. Without this, the app won't function correctly in the channel.

Customizing the Zendesk and Slack integration

After completing the installation and setup of the Zendesk app, you can customize various features in your Slack workspace, ensuring they align with your specific requirements. 

These customization options include:

  • Changing request and triage Slack channels
  • Choosing whether to require forms or not to create a ticket
  • Customizing Zendesk ticket fields
  • Choosing whether to send automated CSATs

Beyond these standard customizations, the Zendesk application is highly customizable since it is built with Actioner’s Workflow designer. This allows for in-depth workflow modification, including adjusting triggers, conditions, and outputs – reformating notification styles, altering messages, and customizing quick action buttons. 

For further details and to explore the full range of customizable options, please refer to the Workflow designer documentation.

Change dedicated Slack channels

While the standard setup process involves creating new channels, however you can remove app for Slack channels.  You can integrate existing channels in which you receive requests and your support team triage tickets

To change these channels within your Slack workspace:

  1. Call Zendesk by Actioner in Slack – type /support and hit Enter.
  2. Select Configure your channels and forms. 
  3. In the prompted screen, select your Request and Triage channels.
  4. Invite Actioner to the new channels.

Require forms to create a ticket

While creating a ticket in Slack, prompting forms to requesters is optional. On the same screen that appears after running Configure your channels and forms workflow, you can select whether to prompt forms to users while creating a ticket in Slack. 

On the prompted screen where you enable forms, you can select the forms fields that will be visible while raising new requests. Remember to add your required fields here if you do not choose the All option.

Configure Zendesk ticket form fields

  1. In your Slack workspace, call Zendesk by Actioner (type /support and hit Enter)
  2. Select Configure your form fields
  3. Select the Zendesk form you want to customize
  4. After that, from the dropdown menu select the fields to be shown when the form is selected.

Enable Show this form during ticket creation via the shortcut option if you want this form to become available when the Create ticket workflow is run from /support shortcut.

Enable automated CSAT surveys

Automated CSAT surveys are optional; if you prefer to enable them, you need to follow these steps;

  1. Select Configure CSAT for requests created in Slack. And enable the options below according to your preferences:
  2. Send CSAT to requests created in Slack option: Select if you want to ask your requesters to rate their experience.
  3. Add CSAT score as an internal note to your tickets:  Select if you want to log the rating and the comment in your ticket as an internal note.
  4. Show CSAT score in your triage channel: Select if you want to show the rating and the comment in the triage channel.

Zendesk app by Actioner vs Zendesk Support Slack App

Below is a detailed comparison table showcasing the differences between Actioner and the Zendesk Support Slack App. This table will help you understand the unique features and benefits of each, enabling you to make an informed decision based on your specific needs.

Zendesk's Slack App

Actioner's Zendesk App for Slack

Creating tickets from Slack

Zendesk's Slack App:

Offers ticket creation via Slack commands.

Actioner's Zendesk App for Slack:

Provides multiple methods for creating tickets directly from Slack.

Creating tickets from Slack

Zendesk's Slack App:

Features 'Side Conversations' allowing agents to comment on a thread within Zendesk.

Actioner's Zendesk App for Slack:

Enables agents to manage all conversations within Slack while keeping them synced with Zendesk.

Ticket update notifications

Zendesk's Slack App:

Sends notifications to the Slack thread when there's an update on a ticket.

Actioner's Zendesk App for Slack:

Not only sends notifications but also updates the original ticket notification message in Slack with the latest information, such as assignee, priority, etc.

Slack Assistance

Zendesk's Slack App:

The Answer Bot listens to configured Slack channels and offers article suggestions when a question is posted. However, it only operates in Slack channels and does not interact with direct messages.

Actioner's Zendesk App for Slack:

Features an AI assistant that facilitates managing Zendesk tickets through conversation. Users can create, update, and access tickets simply by typing in Slack.

In addition to those above, Actioner’s Zendesk app allows you to send automated CSAT surveys

Using Actioner’s platform capabilities you can;

  • Customize Zendesk Slack notifications in terms of layout, context, and follow-up action buttons OR create and automate unique Zendesk Slack workflows to meet your specific needs using Workflow Designer.
  • Seamlessly integrate Zendesk and Slack with other tools for unified functionality. You can check out the Actioner integrations or request one to extend your capabilities.
  • Explore and build Slack apps using Actioner's comprehensive an extensive App Directory which features many Slack applications.

Uninstalling the Slack Zendesk integration

If you decide that the Zendesk app is no longer required, you can easily uninstall it from your Actioner workspace by following these steps:

  1. Login to Actioner. 
  2. Select your workspace.
  3. Go to the My apps page that lists all the apps currently installed in your workspace.
  4. Find and select Conversational ticketing with Zendesk from the list of apps.
  5. On the app's page, click on the three dots located in the upper right corner to open the menu.
  6. Select Delete from the menu options to uninstall the app from your workspace.

Once you uninstall the Zendesk Slack app, you will no longer receive any notifications or be able to execute any Zendesk-related actions in Slack.

Support for Zendesk Slack integration 

For assistance with the Zendesk Slack integration, feel free to reach out to us either by completing the Contact Us form or by messaging the help channel in the Actioner Slack community at any time.

Additionally, for a comprehensive understanding of the solution, you're welcome to book a free demo!

Frequently asked questions

What are the supported languages for the Zendesk Slack app?

Actioner's Zendesk app available within the Slack workspace is compatible only with the English language.

What are the pricing details for the Zendesk Slack app?

Actioner's support solutions are priced based on usage. Please contact us for a custom quote tailored to your team size.

What permissions does Zendesk Slack app have within the Slack workspace?

Actioner's Zendesk Slack app will be able to view your email address, information about your identity, your Slack avatar, and your Slack workspace's basic information. It will also have access to messages and other content in public channels that Actioner has been added to, as well as basic information about public channels in your workspace, basic information about group direct messages that Actioner has been added to, pinned content in channels and conversations that Actioner has been added to, and emoji reactions and their associated content in those channels and conversations.

Additionally, Actioner's Zendesk Slack app can view the list of bookmarks, create, edit, and remove bookmarks, view remote files added by the app in your workspace, and see the name, email domain, and icon for workspaces it is connected to. It will be able to view user groups and people in your workspace, including their email addresses.

Actioner's Zendesk Slack app will have the ability to perform actions on your behalf, such as adding, editing, and deleting remote files. It can also manage public channels it has been added to, create new ones, send messages as @support with a customized username and avatar, send messages to channels it isn't a member of, upload, edit, and delete files, start direct and group direct messages, add and remove pinned messages and files, and add and edit emoji reactions.

Furthermore, it can add shortcuts and/or slash commands for people to use and create and manage user groups within your workspace.

What certifications and compliance standards does Actioner's Zendesk Slack app adhere to?

Actioner's Zendesk Slack app adheres to several certifications and compliance standards to ensure data protection and privacy. It has obtained SOC attestation, which you can review at Actioner Trust. The app complies with the Privacy Shield framework, and details are available in the Privacy Policy. Additionally, Actioner is committed to GDPR compliance, as outlined in their GDPR Commitment. If you need to request data deletion, the procedure is detailed on the GDPR page.

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