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How to get notified of new Zendesk tickets in Slack

Actioner's Conversational ticketing with Zendesk sends you Slack messages when you have new Zendesk tickets. Learn how to enable Zendesk notifications today!

Are you tired of constantly switching between Zendesk and Slack to stay on top of your support requests? Keep reading to discover how you can easily get notified of new Zendesk tickets right within your Slack workspace! 

Say goodbye to the hassle of juggling between platforms and enhance your support team's productivity today, and let’s get started!

Setting up Conversational ticketing with Zendesk

To get notified of new Zendesk tickets in Slack, you need to set up Actioner’s Zendesk app for Slack. In order to do that, follow the instructions below. 

1. Install Conversational ticketing with Zendesk from the Actioner App directory.

Conversational ticketing with Zendesk

2. When you install the app, you’ll be prompted to connect the app with your Slack and Zendesk. After you connect to Zendesk as admin via OAuth2, you’ll select your Slack workspace. 

3. Once you have completed your connections, you’ll start the setup.

4. You’ll set up the #triage Slack channel, where you’ll get notified of new Zendesk tickets in Slack. (You can add a prefix to the channel during the setup). 
For a more detailed look at the setup and connections for different user types, check out help.

5. Once you set up the Zendesk for Slack, you’re ready to go! Whenever there is a new Zendesk ticket, your support team will receive a real-time notification in the #triage channel.

The notifications will allow you to; 

  • Quickly take action on the Zendesk tickets since they include smart follow-up action buttons.
  • Track any ticket update from the notification message thread since Actioner will send any change as a thread reply.
  • Communicate with the requester by replying from the ticket thread.
  • Communicate with other support agents by adding a lock emoji at the beginning of your comment in the ticket thread

Extra tips

If you already have a Slack channel where your team tracks and manages Zendesk tickets, you can continue using that channel instead of setting up a new #triage channel. Learn how to set an existing channel for #triage.

You might also want to split tickets by priority levels. Or you could categorize tickets by type and direct them to the appropriate team members with the necessary knowledge and skills to resolve the issue. In that case, your company might need multiple triage channels. Learn how to set up multiple #triage channels for the Zendesk app for Slack.


Well, there you have it. Connecting Zendesk with Slack through Actioner is a real lifesaver for support teams, making life much easier and more efficient. 

And hey, it's not just limited to the use cases we've covered; we're sure you might devise some other cool ways to use this integration. 

Got an interesting idea or unique scenario? We'd love to hear about it! Share your stories with us, and let's get talking. 

Or are you using Halp and need help to migrate to Actioner? 

Let’s join the Actioner’s Slack community and chat!

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