Actioner creates a temporary Slack channel dedicated to each Bitbucket PR request. The channel name contains the name of the PR and the name of its repository. Any stakeholders; assignees, and reviewers get invited to this channel to collaborate during the review.
What they will see in the PR channel is;
When the PR is closed, the ephemeral Slack channel gets archived. Having temp channels for PR reviews work as a productivity hack for development teams. Whenever a channel is archived, engineers get a sense of accomplishment by completing the review faster.
To begin with the Bitbucket PR review in Slack,
Once you complete the steps above, whenever you open a PR, an ephemeral channel will be created, and you will start receiving Bitbucket pull request notifications in Slack.
Actioner turns the complex into simple, allowing you to connect apps and automate workflows on a grand scale, faster and easier than ever.
Actioner app directory contains PR management apps for Bitbucket and GitLab also. You can install Bitbucket pull request management or GitLab merge request management and get started right away.
Yes, you can. You can re-run Subscribe to Bitbucket PR events action. This action subscribes to events in the selected repository.
To run this action, call Actioner from shortcuts in Slack, or simply type '/actioner' and select the repo that you want to add.
Actioner app directory contains PR management apps for GitHub and Bitbucket also. You can install GitHub pull request management or Bitbucket pull request management and get started right away.
Actioner app directory contains PR management apps for GitHub, Bitbucket and GitLab also. You can install GitHub pull request management, Bitbucket pull request management or GitLab merge request management and get started right away.
Yes, you can. If you installed GitHub pull request management, you can re-run Subscribe to GitHub PR events action to subscribe to events in the selected repository.
Similarly, for Bitbucket pull request management, you can re-run Subscribe to Bitbucket PR events action. and for GitLab merge request management, you can re-run Subscribe to GitLab PR events action.
To run this subscribe action, call Actioner from shortcuts in Slack, or simply type '/actioner' and start typing Subscribe. Then, select the repo or the project that you want to add.
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