Create pull request channel
This workflow automatically creates a dedicated Slack channel when a pull request is opened.
Send message when PR is merged
This workflow automatically sends a message to the merge request Slack channel when it is merged. Also, it notifies the PR owner with a direct message.
Notify channel when a commit is pushed to default branch
This workflow sends a message to the preselected main/master branch updates Slack channel when a new commit is pushed.
Archive channel when PR is closed
When a PR is closed or merged, this workflow sends a message that the channel will be archived and archives the Slack channel of the PR.
Approve pull request
Run this workflow to approve a pull request.
Subscribe to Bitbucket Events
This workflow creates a webhook on Bitbucket to subscribe to the pull request events from a selected repository. If you want to subscribe to events from multiple repositories, you can re-run this workflow.
Delete branch
This workflow deletes a Bitbucket branch.
Onboard users who joined master push channel
When a user joins to PR updates channel, this workflow sends a direct message to the user from Slack. The message describes how to connect Bitbucket with Actioner and how to use the pull request review app.
Send Message when PR Comment is added
This workflow automatically sends a message to the PR's dedicated Slack channel when someone posts a comment.
Add comment to pull request with pin emoji
This workflow is triggered when the pin emoji is put on a message in a dedicated pull request channel. The message content is automatically added to the pull request as a comment.
List open pull requests
This workflow lists the open pull requests on Bitbucket.
Archive PR channel
This workflow archives the given Slack channel.
Send message when PR is approved
This workflow automatically sends a message to the dedicated Slack channel when the PR is approved.
Send message when pipeline hook is received
Sends a thread message whenever a pipeline associated with a PR is completed.
Merge pull request
Run this workflow to merge a Bitbucket pull request.
Set PR update channel
This workflow creates a channel on Slack with a given prefix. (#-bitbucket-main-pushes) Anyone who joins this channel will receive an onboarding message from Actioner to explain how to connect GitHub. Also, when a commit is pushed to the main branch, a message will be sent to this channel to notify your team.
Comment on a pull request
Run this workflow to add a comment on a Bitbucket pull request.
Send message when changes requested
This workflow automatically sends a message to the PR's dedicated Slack channel when someone requests changes on the PR. Also, PR owner is notified with a direct message.
Invite pull request reviewers to PR channel
This workflow invites pull request reviewers to the PR channel.