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Best 3 Standup Bots for Slack

In this blog, we break down the features, capabilities, and configurations of the best Slack Standup bots. Let's keep reading and find the best standup solution for your team now!

Streamline your team's daily standup meetings with the assistance of cutting-edge Slack bots! 

This post delves into the world of standup bots like, Standup Alice, and Standup & Prosper, offering insights into their features, functions, and user experiences. 

Discover how these intelligent tools can bolster your team's productivity, improve communication, and enhance overall project management. 

Read on to pick the perfect standup bot for your team's unique needs!

Why do you need a Standup bot in Slack?

Standup bots for Slack can benefit teams in many ways, especially those who work remotely or in different time zones. Here are some reasons why you might need a standup bot:

Asynchronous communication: 

Team members can share updates asynchronously with standup bots. This allows individuals to contribute updates whenever they're ready rather than waiting for a specific meeting time. Due to the different time zones, this is especially helpful for distributed teams.

Consistency and organization: 

Automating daily updates with the standup bot ensures a constant flow of communication. It can promote discipline and establish a routine for teams.


Having daily standups in person or via video call can be time-consuming. By collecting text-based updates that can be read quickly, standup bots can help you streamline the process.

Record keeping:

All updates are recorded in a written log that can be reviewed anytime. As a result, you can keep track of progress over time and maintain accountability.

Encourages participation: 

It may be more comfortable for some individuals to share updates in writing rather than verbally. Everyone on the team can participate using a standup bot, regardless of how they prefer to communicate.

Integration with other tools: 

Many standup bots are integrated with task-tracking tools (Jira, Trello, Asana, GitHub, etc.), making it easier to link daily updates with specific tasks.

Focus on important tasks: 

Teams can identify and address issues more quickly with standup bots, which allows team members to share their progress and blockers. As a result, everyone can focus on the highest priorities.

Increased transparency: 

By using standup bots, everyone can see what everyone else is doing. Doing so makes teams more collaborative, and responsibilities are less likely to overlap and confuse.

The effectiveness of a standup bot ultimately depends on the team culture and how well team members adapt to it. Finding the most effective way to use it within your team may take some time and adjustment.

So let's explore the best Slack Standup bots and see if one fits your needs!

Top 3 Slack Standup Bots

  1. Standuply
  2. Standup Alice
  3. Standup & Prosper


Standuply is a highly-rated Slack bot that's been used by over 100,000 teams. The bot is geared toward making asynchronous standup meetings more efficient and interactive through text, voice, and video responses.

How it works:

Standuply is suitable for teams in different time zones. Everyone can give updates in their own time. They can use text, voice, or video. This makes it easy to talk in a way that feels best. 

To get started with Standuply, you first select a type of report.

create standuply reports

You can edit the standup time, questions, report delivery, and responders or add task trackers such as Trello, Jira, Asana, or Pivotal to your standups.

standuply integrations

Additionally, Standuply provides an analytics dashboard:

standuply analytics dashboard

When it’s time for standup, the bot reminds you in Slack and asks the first question. Responders can reply by answering in Slack or edit the replies on Standuply’s home page from Slack.

Standuply Slack homepage

G2 Reviews:

Based on Standuply G2 reviews, users have praised Standuply's highly customizable interface and experience. They find value in some other features like the internal Q&A system, which helps teams find answers to frequently asked questions efficiently. 

However, some users note that the text-only option can be monotonous over time. They encourage their teams to utilize the audio and video features more to inject variety and personal connection into their communications. Pricing

Standuply bot for Slack offers four pricing plans catering to different user needs. 

  • The STARTER plan is free and provides automation and Q&A capabilities for up to three users. 
  • The TEAM plan, priced at $1.5 per month, offers additional features like reports history, integrations with various tools, and multi-admin access for two users. 
  • The BUSINESS plan, priced at $3.5 per month, includes features such as task tracker-based surveys, scheduled collaboration meetings, and multi-admin access. 
  • The ENTERPRISE plan offers custom pricing for larger companies with advanced features like centralized accounts management, SSO, dedicated customer success, and premium support. With its diverse pricing options, Standuply caters to teams of all sizes and requirements.

Standup Alice

Standup Alice is a smart Slack bot. It helps manage standup meetings for teams. It’s again beneficial for remote teams spread over different time zones.

How it works:

It’s pretty easy to set up this standup bot; once you add it to Slack, you can create a standup instantly from the message it sends. The initial configuration consists of user selection, days, and the time to run standups.

Create channel standup with Standup Alice

For more, you need to go to the advanced settings so that You can change the daily standup questions to match your team's needs. 

Edit standup questions for Standup Alice

The bot reminds team members to give their standup updates. It then collects these updates. This helps the team leaders a lot. Standup Alice can also work with many teams and projects simultaneously.

Standup Alice also puts together detailed reports. These reports go to the team and the managers. They can come through Slack or emails. This way, everyone knows what's going on.

G2 Reviews:

According to Standup Alice G2 reviews, users like that they can set their own standup questions. They can also answer when they have time, not in a meeting. But, users say they need help putting links in their updates.

Even with this minor issue, Standup Alice is a simple and splendid tool for managing remote teams. 

Standup Alice Pricing:

Standup Alice offers three pricing options to cater to different user needs: 

  • The FREE plan is suitable for standups with up to four members and includes basic features such as a daily standup bot, three standard questions, and single sign-on (SSO) for Slack, MS Teams, and Google Chat. 
  • The PAID - PRO plan, priced at $1 per user per month, is designed for teams larger than four and provides additional features like a daily/weekly standup bot, custom questions, and SSO for WebEx and MS Teams. 
  • The ENTERPRISE plan offers custom pricing for big companies with more complex procurement processes. It includes advanced features like invoice billing, enterprise procurement process support, IT/security integration, and custom contract terms.

Standup & Prosper

Standup & Prosper is another popular standup bot in the Slack app directory. It helps manage daily standup meetings. Many well-known companies trust and use it. 

The bot organizes daily meetings for remote teams and big businesses. It can work with tools like Jira. It's simple and free.

How It Works:

Standup & Prosper is easy to use. You pick a channel and decide who joins. Then, you set up the meeting schedule. You can use default questions or write your own right in Slack.

Edit standup questions in Standup Prosper

The bot reminds you when it's time for the standup meeting. Everyone's answers are put together in a tidy thread.

Answer standup questions to Standup Prosper bot

The bot sends reports to your channel. Standup & Prosper keeps track of team goals, problems, and happiness to make your team work better.

G2 Reviews:

Unfortunately, there are no reviews for Standup & Prosper in G2, but it’s a pretty simple tool, as we’ve experienced; you can install it and try it in no time.

Standup & Prosper Pricing:

As we’ve mentioned before, Standup & Prosper is entirely free.


In our rapidly evolving digital workspace, leveraging the right tools for effective communication becomes paramount. 

Standup bots are a significant asset for remote teams or those spread across multiple time zones., Standup Alice, and Standup & Prosper offer unique capabilities, promising increased productivity and enhanced team communication. Whether it's's multi-faceted response options and analytics dashboard, Standup Alice's detailed reports and flexible questionnaire, or the simplicity and free access of Standup & Prosper, each bot provides a distinct advantage. 

Your team's requirements and preferences will guide your choice. Try out these bots today and revolutionize your team communication! 

For other Slack solutions, look at Actioner's app directory, or if you need different tools to manage daily tasks across Slack, let’s join the Actioner Slack community today!

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