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Enhance sales productivity with Actioner: Overcoming CRM data challenges

Let Actioner make your SaaS tools work much more efficiently and simplify your work by connecting all your work apps in Slack.

One thing I found myself and my co-founders obsessively talking about was the inefficiencies of the tooling we’ve been using in our daily lives. Trying to adapt to software that was not designed for humans has always been quite painful, and we, as people spending our lives with software, got quite annoyed by that pain that increased tremendously with the SaaS explosion. 

At Actioner, we fundamentally believe that software should adapt to people, and getting things done should be a lot more simple. This is exactly the reason we’ve been building Actioner; to superpower you at what you do by overcoming the cognitive overhead of the tools you use to get things done. 

I should remind the fact that we designed Actioner for all kinds of knowledge workers; basically, anyone whose job requires them to interact with software to produce or leverage knowledge. And we’ve started with the roles and functions we know the best; one of them being the people who interface directly with customers - sales, business development, and customer success teams. 


One common pain point these teams have been experiencing is the fact that they need high-quality information in their CRMs. Critical business decisions, your forecast, event how you optimize the performance of your sales team highly depend on the quality of your data. The problem with CRM data is that sales teams typically find it difficult and time-consuming to update these systems, and they’d rather not get distracted from selling and engaging with customers. However, avoiding such administrative tasks has a high cost on the team, as poor quality CRM data shadows the whole team’s visibility and paralyzes your ability to stay on top of the business. 

Actioner as a solution

Actioner solves this problem by providing a dead simple, unified and personalized interface that lets your account executives and sales reps capture the exact information you need at each phase of the customer journey. The unified interface is tool-agnostic; your team doesn’t need to be a SalesForce, HubSpot, or xyz expert to deal with your CRM at all. Plus, Actioner lets you build custom functionality on top of your CRM so that you extend the limits of these platforms and create your own workflows to automate the most common tasks, with no-coding requirements. This way, you can capture all kinds of information, such as deal progress, next steps, activity log, and finally have accurate information when you're to search the details of a deal, customer, or contact. This enables you to see the state of the business, forecast properly, and act accordingly. 

Note that Actioner’s benefits are not limited to enabling CRM data completeness and the accuracy that comes with that. Actioner also lets you share all kinds of information derived from your CRM, with people who don’t have access to that kind of data directly. Actioner in that sense democratizes access to data, and lets you share data as beautiful visualizations, with your teammates and other departments, even without the need to buy extra licenses to access the CRM itself.  

Overall, you enjoy the accurate CRM, the increased productivity of your team, and democratized, rich data for better decision-making across your org. For those of you who’re excited about this, drop us a line; we’d love to hear from you. And if you’re interested in trying how Actioner can help you, sign up for Actioner for free! 

Sales use cases          Slack-first sales with HubSpot    

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