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Emoji polls

Post polls in Slack and let participants to respond using emoji reactions.

What's it for

Actioner’s Poll app allows you to post polls that can be responded with emoji reactions; we term this as Emojis.

Emoji response polls provide an engaging and efficient way to collect feedback and gauge preferences within your Slack workspace. These polls are especially well-suited for capturing quick, visual responses, making them perfect for more lighthearted or informal situations. The use of emojis adds an element of fun and creativity to your team's interactions. Examples include:

  • Team Building: "Which activity should we do for our next virtual team-building event? 🎮 for online gaming, 🎥 for movie night, or 📘 for book club."
  • Mood Check: "How are you feeling today? 😊 for happy, 😔 for sad, 😓 for stressed."
  • Food Preferences: "Which snack should we order for the next virtual meet-up? 🍕 for pizza, 🍣 for sushi, or 🥗 for salads."

How to create Emoji polls in Slack

You can create 4 types of polls; Emoji polls, Numbered polls, Select-list polls and Free-form polls.

  1. To create an Emoji poll in Slack, all you need to do is call Poll (type /poll) and select Create a poll and select Emojis
  2. First, you need to select which channel to post your poll and type your question.
  3. Then, you need to provide options for your question and corresponding emojis that your coworkers will use while submitting their responses.
  4. You can use our emoji library while selecting the corresponding emojis, you can also select emojis that are not on the list by typing their name.
  5. If you don’t select any emojis, Actioner assigns random emojis to your options.
  6. In addition to scheduling, you can set a closing time for your poll as well.
  7. When you’re ready click Create poll. Once the poll is posted, everyone can respond by reacting with emojis.
  8. View responses action button in the notification allows you to view responses in real-time.
  9. You can also send reminders to participants, and edit, close, or save the poll as a template using Settings button. 

After the poll closes, you can easily check the responses again by clicking View responses action button and share them in your preferred Slack channel.

How to get started

  1. Install the Poll app to your Slack workspace
  2. Call Poll (type /poll) and select Create a poll.

Some other handy workflows

Conduct polls in Slack

Choose the ideal poll type and launch instant polls in Slack.


Ready-to-use poll templates

Utilize a library of poll templates for Slack


Save polls as templates

Save polls as templates in Slack to run them whenever you need.


Your gateway to seamless automation

Actioner turns the complex into simple, allowing you to connect apps and automate workflows on a grand scale, faster and easier than ever.

Frequently asked questions

Unable to create polls using the poll/ keyword

Ensure that Actioner is added to the Slack channel where you're attempting to create the poll. Remember, Actioner can only interact with public channels. Additionally, you don't need to message the intended poll channel directly; create a separate channel, invite Actioner, and during poll confirmation, you can specify the channel where the poll will be posted.

Can I close a poll ahead of the scheduled time?

Absolutely. Once your poll is live, navigate to Settings and select Close the Poll to end it manually.

Is it possible to post a scheduled poll immediately?

Yes, you can. When a poll is scheduled, you'll receive a DM from the Poll app with details and options to Post the poll now or Cancel the poll. Click Post the poll now to share it ahead of the scheduled time.

Why can’t I make responses anonymous for Emoji polls?

Emoji polls record responses through visible emojis, and Slack does not currently support hiding the identities of emoji responders. Hence, anonymity isn't an option for emoji polls.

Why does the emoji poll have a warning about emoji spamming?

The Poll app takes around 2 seconds to log an emoji vote. If you send another emoji during this window, it could invalidate both responses. To prevent this, please wait a few seconds between sending emojis in polls.

Is there a limit on the number of custom poll templates I create?

No, there's no limit. Feel free to create as many custom poll templates as you need.

Is it possible to change the poll settings after it has been created?

Yes; when your poll is successfully posted, you can change poll settings through Settings and then Edit Poll buttons. You can update the closing time of your poll, anonymity settings, and multiple response options.

How do I select people to respond to a poll?

Currently, there is no setting in the Poll app that blocks people from responding to a poll but you can create a new channel for your poll to send and invite only the people whom you want to submit their responses to your poll.

Can I have multiple questions on a single poll?

At this time, you can't, but we will implement that feature in a future update.

Can I use Actioner Poll for free in Slack?

Yes, Actioner Poll is entirely free for users. You can get started right away.