Important Notice: Actioner service has been discontinued. Current customers may contact us for assistance. We appreciate your support and understanding!


Actioner seamlessly integrates with Stripe. You can track payments, and effortlessly manage your transactions in Slack and other tools.

## About Stripe The Stripe platform is a set of tools for online payments and financial transactions. It supports various payment methods, offers APIs for integration, and provides features like billing and fraud prevention. Stripe is popular for its ease of use, security, and scalability, making it a preferred choice for businesses of all sizes. ## Make the most out of Stripe Actioner Stripe integration allows you to access, update and manage your financial workflows across different platforms and stay on top of your Stripe updates effortlessly. Create and update customer, subscription, price, product, invoice, and refund in Stripe from anywhere. - Keep track of your revenue, refunds, and customer subscriptions with ease. - Automate invoicing and billing, reducing manual effort and minimizing errors. - Connect Stripe to your accounting software, ensuring accurate financial records and easier reconciliation. - Customize your payment flow, tailoring it to your business needs. - Access real-time data on transactions, refunds, and customer behavior, helping you make informed decisions and improve your services.


Canceled subscription

Occurs whenever a customer's subscription ends.

Charge succeeded

Occurs whenever a charge is successful.

Checkout session completed

Occurs when a Checkout Session has been successfully completed.

Customer created

Occurs whenever a new customer is created.

Dispute created

Occurs whenever a customer disputes a charge with their bank.

Invoice created

Occurs whenever a new invoice is created.

Invoice item created

Occurs whenever an invoice item is created.

Invoice payment failed

Occurs whenever an invoice payment attempt fails, due either to a declined payment or to the lack of a stored payment method.

Invoice payment succeeded

Occurs whenever an invoice payment attempt succeeds.

Payment failed

Occurs when a PaymentIntent has failed the attempt to create a payment method or a payment.

Payment link created

Occurs when a payment link is created.

Refund created

Occurs whenever a refund from a customer's cash balance is created.

Subscription created

Occurs whenever a customer is signed up for a new plan.

Subscription updated

Occurs whenever a subscription changes.

Subscription updated

Occurs whenever a subscription changes.


Cancel subscription

This action cancels a subscription.

Create customer

This action creates customer.

Create invoice

Creates a draft invoice for a given customer.

Create invoice item

Creates an item to be added to a draft invoice.

Create payment link

This action creates payment links

Create price

This action creates a price for the existing product.

Create product

This action creates a new product.

Create refund

Creating a refund.

Create subscription

This action creates a subscription for the customer.

Create webhook

This action creates webhooks.

Deactivate payment link

This action deactivates the payment links.

Delete customer

This action deletes a customer.

Delete draft invoice

This action deletes a draft invoice.

Delete invoice item

Deletes an invoice item, removing it from an invoice.

Delete product

This action deletes a product.

Delete webhook

This action deletes a webhook.

Finalize invoice

This action manually finalizes an invoice.

Get customer

This action gets a customer.

Get invoice

This action gets an invoice.

Get invoice item

Retrieves the invoice item with the given ID.

Get price

This action gets a price.

Get product

This action gets a product.

Get refund

Retrieves the details of an existing refund.

Get subscription

This action gets a subscription.

Get webhook

This action gets a webhook if a valid webhook ID is provided.

List all customers

This actioner returns the list of all customers.

List invoice items

Returns a list of your invoice items.

List invoices

This action lists the invoices.

List payment methods

Returns a list of PaymentMethods for a given Customer.

List payments

Returns a list of PaymentIntents.

List prices

This action returns the list of prices.

List products

This action returns the list of your products.

List refunds

This action returns the list of refunds.

List subscriptions

This action returns the list of all subscriptions.

List webhooks

This action returns the list of webhooks.

Search customers

This action searches for customers with the given query.

Search invoices

This action searches the invoices.

Search payments

Search for PaymentIntents that have previously created.

Search prices

This action searches the prices with the given query.

Search products

This action searched the products with given query.

Search subscriptions

This action searches for subscriptions with the given query.

Update customer

This action updates the given customer properties.

Update invoice

This action updates the invoice.

Update invoice item

Updates the amount or description of an invoice item on an upcoming invoice.

Update price

This action updates the price.

Update product

This action updates the product.

Update refund

Updates the refund that you specify by setting the values of the passed parameters.

Update subscription

This action updates a subscription

Update webhook

This action updates a webhook.

Your gateway to seamless automation

Actioner turns the complex into simple, allowing you to connect apps and automate workflows on a grand scale, faster and easier than ever.