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Enhance monitoring with Actioner. Catch errors swiftly, synchronize crucial data, collaborate seamlessly, and boost application reliability.

##About Sentry Sentry is a state-of-the-art error tracking and monitoring solution trusted by developers across the globe. It equips teams with real-time insights into their applications, helping them identify, diagnose, and resolve issues swiftly. With, developers can ensure their software’s reliability, resulting in enhanced user experiences and reduced downtime.’s core features include in-depth error reports, performance metrics, and seamless integration capabilities. Its platform caters to various programming languages and frameworks, allowing businesses of all scales to maintain top-notch software quality. ##Make the most out of Sentry integration The Sentry integration by Actioner transforms how you approach software reliability. By connecting Sentry with Actioner, you not only catch errors but act on them effectively, enhancing productivity and system stability. Dive deep into error diagnostics without losing focus on the bigger picture. - Access your Sentry environments’ organizations and associated projects from other tools. - Get information about users associated with Sentry organization such as; roles, permissions, and relevant contact information. - Take actions on issues programmatically. Retrieve specific issue details, update information related to issues (such as adding comments or modifying metadata), and remove issues from projects. - Retrieve and analyze event data, gain insights into error patterns, recurrence rates, and other metrics that can aid in software quality improvement. - Access detailed issue information, modify or comment on issues. Effectively collaborate and resolve issues faster, improve application stability.


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List a Project's Events

Return a list of events bound to a project.

List a Project's Issues

Return a list of issues (groups) bound to a project. All parameters are supplied as query string parameters. A default query of ``is:unresolved`` is applied. To return results with other statuses send an new query value (i.e. ``?query=`` for all results). The ``statsPeriod`` parameter can be used to select the timeline stats which should be present. Possible values are: ``""`` (disable),``"24h"``, ``"14d"``

List an Issue's Events

This endpoint lists an issue's events.

List an Organization's Users

Return a list of users that belong to a given organization.

List Your Organizations

Return a list of organizations available to the authenticated session. This is particularly useful for requests with an user bound context. For API key based requests this will only return the organization that belongs to the key.

List Your Projects

Return a list of projects available to the authenticated session.

Remove an Issue

Removes an individual issue.

Retrieve an Issue

Return details on an individual issue. This returns the basic stats for the issue (title, last seen, first seen), some overall numbers (number of comments, user reports) as well as the summarized event data.

Update an Issue

Updates an individual issue's attributes. Only the attributes submitted are modified.

Your gateway to seamless automation

Actioner turns the complex into simple, allowing you to connect apps and automate workflows on a grand scale, faster and easier than ever.