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Actioner’s Pinecone integration enables seamless vector management, query searches, and fetching with metadata support.

## About Pinecone Pinecone simplifies the process of incorporating long-term memory into high-performance AI applications. It is a cloud-native vector database that is managed and hassle-free, offering a straightforward API. With Pinecone, you can obtain fast, low-latency query results for billions of vectors while ensuring they are fresh and filtered. ## Make the most out of Pinecone integration With Actioner, you can seamlessly handle vector management within your workflows. Enhance your automation processes by leveraging the Pinecone integration actions. - Create or update vectors with the option to overwrite the previous value or update metadata fields. - Use query vectors for searching a namespace and retrieving the most similar item IDs along with their similarity scores. - Fetch vectors by their ID from a namespace, including both vector data and metadata.


No items found.



Deletes vectors, by id, from a single namespace. You can delete items by their id, from a single namespace.

Describe index stats

Returns statistics about the index's contents, including the vector count per namespace and the number of dimensions.


Looks up and returns vectors, by ID, from a single namespace. The returned vectors include the vector data and/or metadata.


Searches a namespace, using a query vector. It retrieves the ids of the most similar items in a namespace, along with their similarity scores.


Updates vector in a namespace. If a value is included, it will overwrite the previous value. If a set_metadata is included, the values of the fields specified in it will be added or overwrite the previous value.


Writes vectors into a namespace. If a new value is upserted for an existing vector id, it will overwrite the previous value.

Your gateway to seamless automation

Actioner turns the complex into simple, allowing you to connect apps and automate workflows on a grand scale, faster and easier than ever.