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Empower your organization with real-time incident response. Optimize on-call scheduling, and streamline incident resolution for reduced downtime.

## About PagerDuty PagerDuty is a leading incident management platform that streamlines organizations' response to critical issues. The platform centralizes incident management, allowing teams to promptly address and resolve problems. Automatic alerts are routed to the right on-call responders, ensuring quick collaboration and minimizing downtime. On-call scheduling is made simple with PagerDuty, providing round-the-clock coverage. Teams can easily create and manage schedules based on personnel availability and time zones. Responders receive alerts via various communication channels like phone calls, SMS, and mobile push notifications, enabling immediate action when alerted. PagerDuty's seamless integration with monitoring and communication tools enhances its effectiveness, making it an indispensable solution for reliable incident management and efficient on-call coordination. ## Make the most out of PagerDuty Enhance your incident management and on-call scheduling with PagerDuty integration provided by Actioner. Easily integrate PagerDuty with Actioner to monitor and handle incident lifecycles efficiently. Automate incident management and utilize intelligent workflows for seamless control of on-call schedules. - Improve incident lifecycle tracking and management to minimize incident fatigue. - Access on-call information effortlessly, add overrides, and view schedules with ease. - Facilitate collaboration by enabling real-time notifications and updates between PagerDuty and other platforms.


All incident events

Triggers when there is an activity on an incident.

All service events

Triggers when there is an activity on a service.


Create a note on an incident

Create a new note for the specified incident.

Create a responder request

Send a new responder request for the specified incident.

Create Incident

Create an incident synchronously without a corresponding event from a monitoring service.

Create maintenance window

Create a new maintenance window for the specified services. No new incidents will be created for a service that is in maintenance. A maintenance window is used to temporarily disable one or more services for a set period of time.

Create override

Creates an override for a specific user covering a specified time range. If you create an override on top of an existing override, the last created override will have priority.

Create webhook subscription

Creates a new webhook subscription.

Delete or end maintenance window

Delete an existing maintenance window if it's in the future, or end it if it's currently on-going. If the maintenance window has already ended it cannot be deleted. A maintenance window is used to temporarily disable one or more services for a set period of time.

Generate input parameters for available scopes

Returns the list of input parameters of available PagerDuty scopes.

Get a user

Get details about an existing user.

Get available scopes for scope type

This action returns available services if service_reference scope type is selected. It return teams if team_reference scope type is selected.

Get escalation policy

Get information about an existing escalation policy and its rules.

Get incident

Show detailed information about an incident. Accepts either an incident ID, or an incident number.

Get maintenance window

Get an existing maintenance window. A maintenance window is used to temporarily disable one or more services for a set period of time.

Get myself

Get details about the current user.

Get schedule

Show detailed information about a schedule, including entries for each layer and sub-schedule.

Get service

Get details about an existing service.

List all on-calls

List the on-call entries during a given time range.

List escalation policies

List all of the existing escalation policies.

List incidents

List existing incidents.

List maintenance windows

List existing maintenance windows, optionally filtered by service and/or team, or whether they are from the past, present or future. A maintenance window is used to temporarily disable one or more services for a set period of time.

List my schedules

Returns the list of schedules of the user who runs the action.

List priorities

List existing priorities, in order (most to least severe).

List schedules

List the on-call schedules.

List services

List existing Services.

List teams

List teams of your PagerDuty account, optionally filtered by a search query.

List users

List users of your PagerDuty account, optionally filtered by a search query.

List users on call

List all of the users on call in a given schedule for a given time range.

List webhook subscriptions

List existing webhook subscriptions. The `filter_type` and `filter_id` query parameters may be used to only show subscriptions for a particular _service_ or _team_.

Manage incident

Acknowledge, resolve, escalate or reassign one incident.

Merge incidents

Merge a list of source incidents into this incident.

Snooze incident

Snooze an incident.

Update maintenance window

Update an existing maintenance window. A maintenance window is used to temporarily disable one or more services for a set period of time.

Your gateway to seamless automation

Actioner turns the complex into simple, allowing you to connect apps and automate workflows on a grand scale, faster and easier than ever.