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Actioner enhances Notion for streamlined project management and collaboration, automating workflows and boosting productivity.

## About Notion Notion is an all-in-one workspace designed for note-taking, database handling, task management, and collaboration. It combines multiple tools into one intuitive interface, making it ideal for both individual and team use. Known for its flexibility, Notion allows users to customize their workspaces extensively, adapting to various needs and workflows. This platform helps users organize their projects, manage tasks efficiently, and create collaborative documents seamlessly. ## Make the Most Out of Notion Integration Actioner’s integration with Notion enables you to streamline your project management and document control processes, enhancing productivity directly from your digital workspace. Here are some of the ways you can leverage this integration: - Dynamic Content Management: Create and update pages within Notion dynamically, ensuring that all your project documentation and team notes are current and easily accessible. - Advanced Search Capabilities: Use the 'Search by Title' function to quickly locate specific documents and database entries, saving time and increasing efficiency. - Automated Database Operations: Filter database records, update databases, and manage database creation, all within Actioner. This automation reduces manual input and helps maintain data integrity. - Enhanced Collaboration Tools: Manage user interactions more effectively by listing users, retrieving user details, and managing comments on pages. This facilitates better communication and collaboration within teams. - Complete Lifecycle Control: From adding new pages to deleting outdated ones, control the entire content lifecycle within Notion via Actioner. Adjust and update information swiftly to keep pace with project demands.


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Add comment to page

Creates a comment in a page.

Create database

Creates a database as a subpage in the specified parent page, with the specified properties schema.

Create page

Creates a new page that is a child of an existing page or database.

Delete page

This action removes the page. However, if you want to delete the page permanently this cannot be possible.

Filter database records

Filtering database entries according to the timestamp values.

Get comments

Retrieves a list of un-resolved Comment objects from a page or block.

Get database

Retrieves a database object — information that describes the structure and columns of a database — for a provided database ID.

Get metadata for dynamic input

Converts Notion properties into Actioner UI components.

Get page

Retrieves a Page object using the ID specified.

Get user

Retrieves a User using the ID specified.

List users

Returns a paginated list of Users for the workspace.

Search by title

Searches all parent or child pages and databases that have been shared with the integration.

Search database

Gets a list of Pages and/or Databases contained in the database, filtered and ordered according to the filter conditions and sort criteria provided in the request.

Update database

Updates the database object — the title, description, or properties — of a specified database.

Update page properties

Updates the properties of a page in a database.

Your gateway to seamless automation

Actioner turns the complex into simple, allowing you to connect apps and automate workflows on a grand scale, faster and easier than ever.