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Actioner seamlessly integrates with GitHub. You can automate repetitive tasks, enrich and transfer data, customize workflows, and more with no code.

## About GitHub High-quality products require efficient collaboration and version control. GitHub is a leading web-based platform for developers to host, share, and collaborate on projects using Git, a widely-used distributed version control system. With GitHub, developers can work together on projects of any scale, from small startups to large enterprises. GitHub fosters a collaborative environment by providing a centralized location to store, manage, and track changes in code. Developers can create repositories for their projects, contribute to existing ones, or fork and modify others' work. This collaborative approach encourages the open-source community to share knowledge, resources, and solutions, resulting in faster innovation and better software. In addition to its version control capabilities, GitHub offers a suite of tools and features designed to streamline the development process. With issue tracking, code review, and project management functionalities, teams can easily plan, assign, and track tasks. GitHub also supports continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, making it easier to test and deploy code changes automatically. ## Make the most out of GitHub With Actioner, GitHub goes beyond being a code hosting platform. By connecting GitHub with Actioner, you can create seamless workflows, enhance engineer productivity, and focus on what matters most – building exceptional software. - Eliminate the repetitive tasks involved in pull request reviews and running GitHub Actions and workflows. - Enable real-time deal collaboration among developers and ship code faster. - Keep track of deployment status, tests, commits, releases, and more wherever you are. - Invest your time in delivering software faster and building astonishing products.


Branch or tag creation

Triggers when a Git branch or tag is created. This event will not occur when more than three tags are created at once.

Branch or tag deletion

Triggers when a Git branch or tag is deleted. This event will not occur when more than three tags are deleted at once.

Branch protection rules

Triggers when there is activity relating to branch protection rules.

Check runs

Triggers when there is activity relating to a check run.

Check suites

Triggers when there is activity relating to a check suite.

Collaborator add, remove or changed

Triggers when there is activity relating to collaborators in a repository.

Commit comments

Triggers when there is activity relating to commit comments.

Dependabot alerts

Triggers when there is activity relating to Dependabot alerts.

Discussion comments

Triggers when there is activity relating to a comment on a discussion.


Triggers when there is activity relating to a discussion.


Triggers when someone forks a repository.

Issue comment

Triggers when there is activity relating to a comment on an issue or pull request.


Triggers when there is activity relating to an issue.

Pull request review comments

Triggers when there is activity relating to a pull request review comment.

Pull request review threads

Triggers when there is activity relating to a comment thread on a pull request.

Pull request reviews

Triggers when there is activity relating to a pull request review.

Pull requests

Triggers when there is activity on a pull request.


Triggers when a commit or tag is pushed. An event will not be created when more than three tags are pushed at once.


Triggers when there is activity relating to repositories.

Secret scanning alert

Triggers when there is activity relating to a secret scanning alert.


Triggers when there is activity relating to repository stars.


Triggers when the status of a Git commit changes.

Workflow jobs

Triggers when there is activity relating to a job in a GitHub Actions workflow.

Workflow runs

Triggers when there is activity relating to a run of a GitHub Actions workflow.


Add assignees to an issue

Adds up to 10 assignees to an issue. Users already assigned to an issue are not replaced.

Add labels to an issue

Adds labels to an issue. If you provide an empty array of labels, all labels are removed from the issue.

API call

Make a generic call to the Github API

Check if a pull request has been merged

Checks if a pull request has been merged into the base branch.

Check if a user can be assigned to a issue

Checks if a user has permission to be assigned to a specific issue.

Create a check run

Creates a new check run for a specific commit in a repository.

Create a check suite

Creates a check suite.

Create a pull request

Creates a pull request.

Create a reference

Creates a reference for your repository.

Create a reply for a review comment

Creates a reply to a review comment for a pull request.

Create a repository webhook

Creates a repository webhook.

Create a review comment for a pull request

Creates a review comment in the pull request diff.

Create a review for a pull request

Creates a review for a pull request.

Create a tag

Create a tag object

Create a workflow dispatch event

Manually triggers a GitHub Actions workflow run.

Create an issue comment

Creates comments on issues and pull requests. Every pull request is an issue, but not every issue is a pull request.

Create commit

Creates a new Git commit object.

Create input parameters to run workflow

This action is designed specifically to create the input parameters for a given GitHub action.

Create or update file contents

Creates a new file or replaces an existing file in a repository.

Create reaction for a pull request review comment

Create a reaction to a pull request review comment.

Create reaction for an issue

Create a reaction to an issue. A response with an HTTP 200 status means that you already added the reaction type to this issue.

Create reaction for an issue comment

Create a reaction to an issue comment.

Create tree

This action is used to create a new Git tree object.

Delete a pending review for a pull request

Deletes a pull request review that has not been submitted. Submitted reviews cannot be deleted.

Delete a pull request comment reaction

Deletes a reaction to a pull request review comment.

Delete a reference

Deletes a single reference from your Git database.

Delete a review comment for a pull request

Deletes a review comment.

Delete an issue comment

Deletes comments on issues and pull requests. Every pull request is an issue, but not every issue is a pull request.

Delete an issue comment reaction

Deletes a reaction to an issue comment.

Delete an issue reaction

Deletes a reaction to an issue.

Disable a workflow

Disables a workflow and sets the state of the workflow to disabled_manually.

Dismiss a review for a pull request

Dismisses a review for a pull request.

Enable a workflow

Enables a workflow and sets the state of the workflow to active.

Get a branch

Retrieves a branch.

Get a check run

Gets a single check run using its id.

Get a check suite

Gets a single check suite using its id.

Get a commit

Returns the contents of a single commit reference. You must have read access for the repository to use this endpoint.

Get a job for a workflow run

Gets a specific job in a workflow run. Anyone with read access to the repository can use this action.

Get a pull request

Retrieves a pull request.

Get a reference

Returns a single reference from your Git database.

Get a repository

Retrieves a repository.

Get a review comment for a pull request

Provides details for a review comment.

Get a review for a pull request

Retrieves a pull request review by its ID.

Get a tag

Get a tag

Get a workflow

Retrieves a specific workflow.

Get a workflow run

Gets a specific workflow run. Anyone with read access to the repository can use this action.

Get all requested reviewers for a pull request

Gets the users or teams whose review is requested for a pull request.

Get an issue

Retrieves an issue.

Get an issue comment

Retrieves comments on issues and pull requests. Every pull request is an issue, but not every issue is a pull request.

Get an issue event

Gets a single event by the event id.

Get repository content

Gets the contents of a file or directory in a repository.

Get workflow usage

Gets the number of billable minutes used by a specific workflow during the current billing cycle.

List branches

Lists branches in the selected repository.

List check run annotations

Lists annotations for a check run using the annotation id.

List check runs for a Git reference

Lists check suites for a commit ref. The ref can be a SHA, branch name, or a tag name.

List check runs in a check suite

Lists check runs for a check suite using its id.

List comments for a pull request review

List comments for a specific pull request review.

List commits on a pull request

Lists a maximum of 250 commits for a pull request.

List issue comments

Lists comments on issues and pull requests. Every pull request is an issue, but not every issue is a pull request. Issue comments are ordered by ascending ID.

List issue comments for a repository

Lists comments on issues and pull requests. Issue comments are ordered by ascending ID.

List issue events

Lists all events for an issue.

List issue events for a repository

Lists events for a repository.

List jobs for a workflow run

Lists jobs for a workflow run.

List labels for an issue

Lists all labels for an issue.

List pull requests

Lists pull requests.

List pull requests associated with a commit

Lists the merged pull request that introduced the commit to the repository.

List pull requests files

Lists the pull requests files.

List reactions for a pull request review comment

List the reactions to a pull request review comment.

List reactions for an issue

List the reactions to an issue.

List reactions for an issue comment

List the reactions to an issue comment.

List repositories for a user

Lists public repositories for the specified user. Note: For GitHub AE, this action will list internal repositories for the specified user.

List repository tags

List repository tags

List repository webhooks

Lists webhooks for a repository. last response may return null if there have not been any deliveries within 30 days.

List repository workflows

Lists the workflows in a repository. Anyone with read access to the repository can use this action.

List review comments in a repository

Lists review comments for all pull requests in a repository. By default, review comments are in ascending order by ID.

List review comments on a pull request

Lists all review comments for a pull request. By default, review comments are in ascending order by ID.

List reviews for a pull request

Lists the reviews for a pull request. The list returns in chronological order.

List timeline events for an issue

Lists all timeline events for an issue.

List workflow runs for a repository

Lists all workflow runs for a repository.

List workflow runs for a workflow

List all workflow runs for a workflow.

Lock an issue

Locks an issue. Users with push access can lock an issue or pull request's conversation.

Merge a pull request

Merges a pull request into the base branch.

Re-run a job from a workflow run

Re-runs a job and its dependent jobs in a workflow run.

Remove a label from an issue

Removes the specified label from the issue, and returns the remaining labels on the issue.

Remove all labels from an issue

Removes all labels from an issue.

Remove assignees from an issue

Removes one or more assignees from an issue.

Remove requested reviewers from a pull request

Removes review requests from a pull request for a given set of users and/or teams.

Request reviewers for a pull request

Requests reviews for a pull request from a given set of users and/or teams.

Rerequest a check run

Triggers GitHub to re-request an existing check run, without pushing new code to a repository.

Rerequest a check suite

Triggers GitHub to re-request an existing check suite, without pushing new code to a repository.

Search code

Searches for query terms inside of a file.

Search commits

Find commits via various criteria on the default branch (usually main).

Search issues and pull requests

Find issues by state and keyword.

Search repositories

Find repositories via various criteria.

Search topics

Find topics via various criteria. Results are sorted by best match.

Search users

Find users via various criteria.

Set labels for an issue

Removes any previous labels and sets the new labels for an issue.

Submit a review for a pull request

Submits a pending review for a pull request.

Unlock an issue

Unlocks an issue. Users with push access can unlock an issue's conversation.

Update a check run

Updates a check run for a specific commit in a repository.

Update a pull request

Updates a pull request.

Update a pull request branch

Updates the pull request branch with the latest upstream changes by merging HEAD from the base branch into the pull request branch.

Update a review comment for a pull request

Enables you to edit a review comment.

Update a review for a pull request

Updates the review summary comment with new text.

Update an issue

Updates an issue. Issue owners and users with push access can edit an issue.

Update an issue comment

Updates comments on issues and pull requests. Every pull request is an issue, but not every issue is a pull request.

Update reference

Update a git reference

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